What’s the best app for finding meetings near me? I

What’s the best app for finding meetings near me? I am 1 day sober and am having a hard time finding what I am looking for online. Are secular women’s meetings suggested even though I believe in God? Looking for a women’s group and that’s the only one I’ve found so far. I’m struggling but determined to continue with my sobriety.


The app is called “ the meeting guide”


Thank you

I am only on day 2 sober and just joined a women’s group. They meet everyday at 2:00pm CT. if you’re interested I’ll share the details with you

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I actually mustered the courage to go to a meeting. It was men and women which was not what I wanted but went anyway. I received so much welcome, encouragement and support from both the men and the women. I am going again at noon. Last night I was contemplating skipping but woke up this morning, read my daily devotional and decided to get my rear end to that next meeting! I was scared and nervous but I did it!


I’ve Download an App that has women only Online meetings :blush:


Look at you!!! So proud of you friend!!!🫶🏿


Thank you friend😊

Check out this app called everything A. A. I hit it when I need a meeting near me and seems to be able to hook me up if not then I just do one on it one night at 1 am I found one with like 100 ppl in it at one time loved it

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