What’s the best way to get your ex to trust

What’s the best way to get your ex to trust you again? (Besides being sober, working w a sponsor and going to meetings)?

Be honest. No matter what be honest about everything.

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This might sound cheesey but time heals and the answers are doing n the steps. We can only do our part :slightly_smiling_face:

Depends what the trust issue is about. You can trust someone completely in one type of situation and not at all in another. In whatever area you broke trust show remorse for it and be honest what led you astray and how you’re going to try to rectify it. That might not be enough but it’s the best you can do.

Trust can be rebuilt thru actions, especially after we have broken the trust of our loved ones and promised to change our ways only to fail on those promises, imho.

True that

Being consistent. Words and actions have to match. Being transparent. Give more information than you even think they need, especially in the beginning when working to build back trust. Be honest, even when it hurts. Even if you make a little lie in the moment (out of habit, defense mechanism, childhood trauma, etc) Take a min, ground yourself and come back and own it.