"it happens"
“Just don’t drink.”
"Let go and let God" I'm not a person of faith, but I'm certainly my own worst enemy. The Universe has better intentions for me than I do.
Trust God
Clean house
Help others
I love this one as well!!
This is not how my story will end.
I’m the prisoner and the warden.
Don’t go into your head alone.
Right here, right now, I’m okay.
One day at a time
I recover loudly so no one dies in silence
"Idle hands are the devils playthings "
“What we have is a daily reprieve based on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.
I’m not in AA, but I really like the ODAAT approach. I take it further and try to focus on “one thing at a time.” Actually saw that on a t-shirt recently. Being mindful every step of the way.
It works if you work it
How you do anything, is how you do everything.
Sometimes quickly sometimes slowly
Taking a trip; not taking a Trip.
Came, came to, came to believe....
If you want to know how long it will take to be trusted again, multiply it by the number of years you broke trust… and multiply it by 2.