What’s your sober day count?

128 days. That number is only going up!

Day 69. No joke. And this is the only day I’ll get to say this, so I’m milkin’ it. KEEP GOING!!

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No idea my exact day count. The 3rd of this month was 2 years and 3 months.


105 days.



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1772 days. Just short of 5 years this time.

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366 days

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868 conservative days of blissfully beautiful living one day at a time. Working the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Helping others has been another huge pivotal moment in my sobriety! Stay sober my friends! Ask questions. Ask for help. Pray and meditate. Learn to change your thoughts.


January 7th was my year so I'm coming up on my 18 months in July

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459 days

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367 days an you know how I accomplished that..??? One at a time..

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I have 701 days today. I will have 2 years, God willing, next month. Through making a daily choice to stay clean, working the steps, going to regular meetings, working with a wonderful sponsor, being of service, and trying my best to live with spiritual principles and live my higher power's will everyday- my life is better than it has ever been. I am truly blessed and thankful for this wonderful life I live.

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Day 1306 and love being clean

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46 days! I am working very hard. I have been in AA for 5 years. Each stumble I learn a lot more!

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3019 days :smiley:

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39 days and counting!

10 days!
Almost 11

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363 days, 23 hours and 53 minutes :slight_smile: