When I came back to the fellowship I would hear all the people talking about achieving a week or 10 days of sobriety and being so proud of themselves. I thought it was silly celebrating such a small amount of time. I could stop for 10 days any time I wanted. Truth is i couldnt stop for 10 minutes on my own and 1 day is an accomplishment that should be celebrated. Im at 17 theres been good days and bad, but i didnt drink or drug today and thats the milestone I wanna celebrate at the end of every day. One day at a time…
Congrats keep up the good work. When all we did was use or drink one day without it is a long time. Always be proud of yourself
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Celebrate every small victory. It's one day at a time!
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Yessir, you are Absolutely Right..every day is a huge success on your journey for Sobriety!!
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Honestly, any amount of time is huge! It all adds up before we know it!
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