When do you feel most like yourself?

For me!! :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face: i feel most like myself when im in a creative space. Or when im laughing


Oh man. Such a good question! I’d have to say when I’m out with my dog going for runs and hikes. Or when I’m organizing things :joy:🫣


Out in the forest or desert hiking, running or mtn biking. Floating on a river, paddling on a creek or the sea of Cortez. Moving my body in nature, in a nutshell. Mostly with my little doggo, but she doesn’t go on the mtn bike rides.


When I feel like myself and I'm in a creative space, it's when I'm on my motorcycle riding in the country roads that are winding. Just so peaceful to tranquility of riding a motorcycle unless you've ever ridden before cannot be explained. It clears my mind my head my thoughts it can bring me from a dark place to a happy place very quick.


Organization/cleaning is so therapeutic for me. But wonderful answer​:tada::muscle:t4::100:

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Paula! That definitely sounds like a great time. I’ve never been mountain biking before :sweat_smile:

Sounds like something out of a book. Magical moments 😮‍💨💯

I can relate to the creative space. It’s one that laid dormant for years because I was too busy being distracted by everything unhealthy. Great post!


Jordan thank you for the nice comment.

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Good question...I'm not sure.

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Take some time to think about it.🫶🏽

Yeah that's one to think about..
.. hmm when I'm venting to God or a friend who truly listens.. thanks for the question :question::thinking:

Or enjoy a terrific Vikings season? LOL

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Me too I had to really take time to think of this one

Definitely part of the solution

Lately, in my solitude, I enjoy being to myself with no external stimulation or intervention, just me facing myself and enjoying me. & by myself I feel most whole Near a body of water, singing, folding clothes, or simply being creative in any form.


That’s such a beautiful, thorough, therapeutic and sure answer! 🫶🏽:white_heart::black_heart:

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Me to I feel my self and at my Best when I'm sober.

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Mtn biking puts you exactly in the moment. There is no thinking beyond the line you pick to ride.

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