When does it get easier?

My emotions have been a crazy mess and I feel like my mind is squirrelling.. trying to get myself through a panic attack at the moment. It doesn't feel good


Gets greater later. This is normal anxiety in early recovery. Do an online meeting to pass time


You'll get through it. Stay strong. Do it for you and those that you care for.

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I have done and online meeting and an in person today. But I just might.hop on another one. I need all I can get right now

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It is different with everyone. For me the relief came after I turned my will and my life over to the care of God, as I understood Him. Full relief came for me after I dumped my 4th step, and all of the wreckage from my past on my sponsor. Things that I had never told another human being, things that I had buried so deep inside of me that it made me sick. You don't have to do this alone, this is a WE program and we do it together!!


Do you have a sponsor? Another woman who has been through the steps, and who is willing and able to take you through them?

I do not. I'm struggling to find women with decent recovery. :weary: I also sold my phone for dope so i have absolutely no ones number that I used to have from when I cleaned up in February, I relapsed June 1st and today is day 2 completely clean

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I'd highly recommend going to some of the same meetings if you can. The ones that are doing this thing the right way are still going to be there! Stay strong, don't pickup no matter what, and pray for God to remove the obsession of drugs from your mind. :pray:t2::heart: You can do this!! Unless you haven't experienced enough pain yet, but I pray that you have. :pray:t2: :heart:

I definitely have experienced enough pain, that's why I'm going through this pain of getting clean. I should pray to my higher power. One thing I didn't think of doing at all today. Thank you for the reminder. Just for today I won't pick up. It's almost bedtime. Tomorrow is a new day to start off positive!

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No human power could have relieved my disease, but God could and would if He were sought! :pray:t2::heart: Just for today, you've got this! I have to pray each and every day and I'm 22 months into my recovery! :pray:t2::heart:

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I saw something today that said “It doesn’t get easier you get stronger” …. I like that better


Congrats on your recovery!

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Just 24 hours at a time...that's it, I just keep stacking days one day at a time. :pray:t2::heart:

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The anxiety was really hitting me bad. Wishing you good vibes. Remember to be super nice to yourself. Pamper yourself. Breathing exercises actually helped. But I have to make myself do them

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Erika, breathe, breathe slowly. Focus on your breath and slow it down.
My mind can be my worse enemy. I had to learn to override my anxiety and horrid thoughts. It starts with me focusing on my breathing, slowing it down and intentionally telling myself, “this too shall pass”.
Working with a sponsor and thoroughly doing the 12 steps helped me tremendously.