When my so called man texts me and he says

Wow congrats on your clean time. What kind of work do you do?

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And do you go to NA?

I know it is. But it may never get better. Life it too short to wait on someone who makes you feel like garbage and isn't showing any progress. Progress shows willingness. Without it, it's just empty promises.


Order picked in a warehouse. And I’m actually in ER at the moment for blood sugar being 417 this morning and feeling way off balance

Yes I do. Not as much as I should though with my work hours. I’m in clean and sober housing

Exactly and that’s not how you was in the first year and a half. And he relapsed on fentanyl

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That's the type of BS, little immature, drug addicted or drunks do. Take time for yourself. Focus on your recovery and mental health. :sparkles:

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Ignoring people who don't support you enables you to focus on people who do.

That's the type of BS that everyone on here does, when we are in active addiction, because everyone here is an addict.

Right, so, take time for yourself and MOVE ONWARD. Do not waste any more time on someone who is actively using. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE FOR YOU.

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That's true. I never changed for anyone else.

I work in a warehouse