When my so called man texts me and he says

When my so called man texts me and he says he’s going to a friends, I call him to say love u and he either don’t answer or I get sent to voicemail along with a I’ll call you when I get home. He used to answer no matter what


Amber, try not to feel hurt or sad. Just know everything will be fine. Love yourself and focus on your sobriety. Don’t make ur happiness depend on anyone else. As recovering addicts we have the opportunity to create beautiful and wonderful lives. Take back your power and make your dreams come true


Thanks so much

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I’m so sorry to hear that Amber

You deserve better than that I pray that one day the man of your dreams will come true. Just remember unfortunately we have to go through battles in life.. and through the battles we get stronger and we find our self-worth.

He is the man of my dreams it wasn’t like this the first year and a half. It has to do with addiction

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Thank you

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The best thing to do is try to talk to him about it. And try not to get upset or mad . And just tell him that you are getting a little insecure when he does that. And see what he says . And if he down plays it or doesn’t at least listen and respect what your feelings . Then you need to figure out what you are going to do . Bc like the one gentleman said you do deserve the best and do deserve to be happy and if he doesn’t respect that then he doesn’t respect you.

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I have simply flat out, just asked, and he says by me asking I’m accusing him of doing things that he’s not doing, which is not true. I wasn’t accusing it’s asking.

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I pray you heal. I’m sorry for your loss.

It’s not a loss. We both want to work on ourselves and be better to each other and can’t do that without having time apart

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Dude calls you names (you mentioned in the other post) and ignores your calls.

Get the fück out. You can't heal, recover, until you remove the toxic shït from your life. It will be a neverending cycle of toxicity. We have all been here, probably many of us on both sides.

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It’s just so hard when you care and love the person so much but they’ve changed into somebody totally different because of a drug addiction


Just remember your recovery and survey comes first! I hope it works out, but if not, you will find happiness with the right man if you stay positive and stay strong!

Thanks I appreciate it. It’s just really is heartbreaking right now and I feel like I don’t have any friends really that I can talk to you about it and I wish that I had more friends in my area. I swear everybody commenting is not even near me so I can’t go hang out and talk to them and get to know them as a friend.

Oh I see. What area are you in?

Portland Oregon you?

Nice, I was in crescent City last year, by the border. I'm in Sacramento.

Nice. So your a firefighter I see

Yeah, half the year, it's seasonal. Dang Portland is wild with the drug addiction. What do you do out there?

Well, I am a recovering addict. I will have seven years clean this year in August. I just work hang out at my mom’s and my house with my roommates or I go visit my former treatment center when I was inpatient there when I’m struggling really bad or just go visit my friend that’s in there.