When the cravings hit

Or life feels overwhelming, what’s your go-to tool for staying sober?


Kombucha, gum, baths, stretching, Journaling...:heart:


I get some fresh air and play the tape. That usually centers me then I crank some tunes to soothe the savage beast that dwells within

5 min rule . Do something future you would thank you for .
5 min later its passed .

Pray,read my Bible,take a walk or maybe watch videos on social media

This is a great topic Crissy.
It's been a long time since I had a craving. I look at it from a simple perspective... It's all mind over matter. I don't mind and it don't matter.

Now being overwhelmed is another thing. I put things in order of priority and handle them one at a time.

My go-to is reading the Acceptance chapter in the Big Book, talking about it with a friend/my sponsor.