When your parent is still an addict

Being in recovery with a parent in active addiction isn’t for the weak, man. I’m out here working on myself, trying to heal all my parts that frankly she broke, staying sober from the substance that destroyed our family, and here comes my mom in addictive addiction triggering me and giving me flack for being in town with my son (she lives 1 hr from me) and not visiting her. I am proud of myself for setting a boundary and telling her my son was too overtired and it wouldn’t have been in his best interest and his interests will always be #1. I’m also proud of me for reminding her she is welcome at my home anytime, making it clear I will not be the only one putting effort into her seeing her grandson. Even though it’s triggering me, I’m proud of being braver than I once was and being able to be transparent with her.


My mother is an alcoholic so I completely feel this!! You are doing what you need to do I had to set boundaries as well it is not an easy task!! You’re doing a great job keep focusing on you! I pray all the time my mom will see what a difference sobriety has made in my life and hope
She will want it too if you
Ever need to vent message me


Thank you. This comment is the kind of support and camaraderie I need. I extend the same invitation to you!

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We have got this your not alone!!

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That's a hard one . Congrats

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This is so hard! My mom is an alcoholic and I had to move back in with her recently due to my drinking I lost my apartment and alot more. Im trying to stay sober and working so hard on it all while shes drunk in the next room… its so hard because I wanna go and drink too… shes less annoying when I am also drunk.

That’s so hard! I can’t imagine living with my mom now, sober or not. I hope you have the strength to keep going and get back on your feet. Rooting for you! :muscle:t2:

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So proud of you! Keep doing great Momma!

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