Where do you guys go out to do

Where do you guys go out to do sober things?


bowling , the diner , top golf , sports , the gym


Yes, bowling always fun, dinner, fellowship after meetings over dessert and coffee, definitely the gym, biking and walking parks too. End of the day, anything done sober is fun!


The gym. It's also a great way of getting to know other people.

The gym is a great place to meet other like minded people. Watching a movie is fun, or grabbing a burger with a friend.

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Catch a museum exhibit or show!

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Walking/Hiking, reading, listening to podcasts, museums..

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Library, trails, coffee shops, movies, museums.

There are many sober restaurants and bars around now too.

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I do the same s*** just don't drink while I'm doing it. I'm also pretty up front with people about not drinking.


AA meetings , hikes , exercise, etc live life , just don’t drink , whatever you want

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AA meetings

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Sober Fun can be had anywhere you go but where there is liquor. Groupon is a good place to get different ideas and at a discount. Game centers are a blast and give you lots of option.


Groupon - good idea! I'm re-signing up again. Thank you!

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My secret, you can do anything ya wanna just be sober. Life is finally peaceful when you pull down the vail of alcoholism and experience all it's wonderful blessings.

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Everything that doesn't involve dealing with people active in unhealthy use of drugs or alcohol

I agree with Mikayla.

Tons of photography and hiking

There's been a lot of great comments. When you're free from alcohol, the doors open wide. When I was a young man, I used to sit around thinking about all the things that I was going to do one day, 1 day, someday. I finally got sober but it wasn't until many of the ships had sailed.

One of the things I always wanted to do was be a professional pilot. I set out to get my private license all right, but by the time I had cleaned up the wreckage of my past and done this, the ship had long sailed to start a long career.

Aviation is a great career with many benefits. I would wait until you get at least one year of sobriety before embarking on such a journey. But while you're waiting to get through your 1st year you can always buzz down to the nearest general aviation airport and talk with a flight instructor about going up for what is called a discovery flight.

The whole event takes anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. You get to use a checklist and do a walk around inspection on the airplane, srart the engine, taxi to the runway, do your run up and then head to the runway and take off with you at the controls. The flight instructor will be in the other seat with access to the same controls.

It's an exciting event that you will never forget. That's what freedom from alcoholism is all about. The freedom to actually make choices and have the freedom to do what you always wanted to do or at least give it a try.