Whether to stay or go?

Relationships with someone who's using is tough

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How are you feeling today Brooke? 

Maybe by you leaving it will help him hit his bottom, my advice self love take care of you your to weak to be trying to get 2 people sober

I agree with Billy entirely. My biggest issue with the entire situation is that you are a recovering addict to yourself and as such making sure that you are loving yourself is so important is nothing but toxic or if there is more to it I certainly fail to see the benefits. I'm not saying that an active addict is incapable of love however to much degree this is true and they are certainly going to struggle with loving another more than they think they are loving themselves by feeding their addiction. You can still love and support him as a friend and hopes that he can pull together the will and determination to get clean but other than that I don't see this as being a "healthy" relationship by any stretch of the imagination. Unfortunately.


Brooke, how are you doing?
Did you go to the meeting?

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He's got to get clean or you go

…even if he gets clean yet still does not prioritize her, care for her…she needs to get out of this situation ( going by, from the / her original post ).

I do not understand what additional signs are needed.
L E A V E.

I realize that it is difficult to leave a relationship ( been there and more than once )…while humans are really doing their own selves and those they care about - a complete disservice by playing the martyr and remaining in these scenarios.

…and also, it worries me when people post these things, about these types of realities and we do not hear back from them.
I hope that they are ok.
Now I am off to mind my own business!:peace_symbol: