Why do things get hard after 1 year of sobriety?

I’ve been really struggling with cravings after now having been sober for a little over a year. I’m not sure why it gets harder after a year? This has happened before and I relapsed after a year. I know I don’t want to and i’m not going to, but the cravings suck.

Also have been feeling extremely down in the dumps, so any encouraging words would be appreciated 🩶


When i approached my first year of sobriety things got really tough for me and i caved in and relapsed.i wanted some sort of familiarity back into my life.well that didn't turn out good.i ended up hitting bottom again.this time I hit the bottom even harder than the previous year.i realized I was more focused on what I was giving up and what I was losing instead of what I have achieved and the future I was building towards.you can view your sobriety as a loss or gain.viewing the growth of sobriety as a loss only made me repeat what brought me to choosing sobriety to begin with.
Even though sobriety is hard and makes me uncomfortable at times I know I'm choosing my future.
Believe in your yourself, believe in your future .i believe in you and the great future you have in front of you!!!


I hear ya ! I’ve been struggling myself! All of a sudden I’m in my feelings and feel crazy ! I keep hearing it gets better so I hope so ! Keep your head up ! I’m here if you need to vent !


I could have easily relapsed around the year mark, I still had a lot of work to do to build a solid foundation of sobriety. My disease was telling me that I made it a year… I could possibly handle my drinking again. The things that saved me and got me over that hump”” AA I did the 90/90 the first three months, I did it again at the year mark, I didn’t make a huge deal about making it a year( I actually didn’t celebrate til a year and a half). I dove into the steps in a deeper level and began to allow the new way of living to take hold in my new sober life. Around the year mark is a tough time for a lot of people and I’ve seen many relapses during that time. Play the tape through, do not pick up and give yourself grace and time. It get better

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It will never stop been hard to be sober… we are alcoholics that chose not to drink just for today. If you ask someone that has more than 20 years sober it will tell you the same. Just take it day by day, you are doing great.

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Do you go to meetings. You can find answers there.

It's a trap. Don't fall in it.

I get that. The first time I had a year I almost relapsed too. I think sober time is important, but I also know that all we have is today, so I think the day-at-a-time thing is more important to focus on.

I haven’t been sober for long at all but for me I feel like, we THINK after a certain time passing it won’t hit us the same and we THINK we can handle a drink but in reality we can’t /:

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Jump back into the rooms of AA or NA. Work your program. It will get better. It is time to take action in your recovery.