Wife wants me out of the house now. 2 kids

I’m sorry for your situation. Keep taking it one day at a time and show not only her but your kids as well that you’re serious about changing. It helps me to sit back and look at all the bad that my addiction has caused and it reassures me why I need to cut that part of my life out. You got this. Keep your head up


So sorry to hear that but you keep moving forward. Sobriety is the best gift you can give yourself and your children. Sadly we do cause a lot of damage to others during our drinking time.

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I’m sorry you are going through this. I have disappointed my husband and kids countless times. I think that for all of us who have been/are in a bad place with their loved ones, actions, as in time sober, is the key to gaining their trust back. Staying with it by whatever means necessary is really the only thing that can fix the situation. If it were only as simple as it sounds! Prayers for your strength. You can do it.


Focus on yourself and your program right now above all else.

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Found I couldn’t be good father and had nothing to offer others unless I quit drinking. Admitting to the powerless part of step one was crucial. Kids deserve a good dad, wife deserves a good husband. Hard to be this when still using. My story anyways :smiley:. Get well my friend


Right after I made a year, my wife left. That was about 8 months ago. Prior to that day I never thought I would stay sober if she left. I quit drinking to save my marriage. We were about to make 16 years. My AA family surrounded me. I talked about it in meetings and with other. The first 2 months were really bad. I almost lost my job. Then the fog started to lift and slow I came to realize we were holding each other back. Our mental healths were terrible. This time apart has helped me grow as a person. I haven’t felt this good in a long, long time. I don’t know what the future holds for us but I do know that I don’t want to go back to the way I was before she. Concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other and keeping your head help high. Also, when I would fall in to the rabbit hole of thinking about her or the relationship, I would pray for for her to have peace and happiness, with or without me. I didn’t mean it ever time but it helped. Contact me if you want to talk.

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Thanks man that is good insight and much appreciated. Thank you. I’m praying I want it to work but god always has a plan so we’ll see

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I'm sorry that you are going through a hard time brother. An alcoholic like me had to loose people , places and things of value in order for me to take that first step of acceptance. Only after admitting complete defeat and putting up that white flag(surrender) by raising my hand in a meeting and asking for help was I able to start my journey of a sober life. This isn't a religious program but it is about growing along spiritual lines, feel free to reach out brother ! You are worth it !

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Sometimes I ask myself would I rather move on with a possibility of happiness or stay where I am and know that I could’ve done better. Im choosing the new experience from now on, so can you.


i couldn’t get sober for anyone besides me it took a lot of struggle to get there but that’s what i learned. I split up after 4 yrs of sobriety and you know what? I’m still dad and that will never change, my ex wife was not mistake and never will be,and I am not either. I still have them(in another state and i miss them badly) that will never change.
I will lose all with one drink ,
its been great to not be imprisoned and hopeless by addiction, and it will be for you too! commit

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