Will the thoughts, dreams and craving's ever go away?!?! Its

Will the thoughts, dreams and craving's ever go away?!?! Its been almost a year.....


For me, no dreams. But every now and then a thought will creep up but they are few and far between. It’s been over 2 years for me.

I'm even finding it hard, it seems like every tv show or movie has lots of drinking, so much music about it as well. I just can't seem to turn it off anywhere

Well then watch something else. Listen to something else. lol seriously though. Until those things are no longer a trigger for you, you have to be very selective about what you expose yourself to.

There was a gas station and liquor store I always stopped at leaving work. When I stopped drinking, I had to find another route home. Just driving past the store was triggering for me. The new route took longer, but it was just what I had to do.

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Watch Loudermilk on Netflix. It's recovery based.


I usually do but I can't just go and change people's radios or tvs lol

For my drug of choice I’m told the cravings never go away 100%. You learn how to ride the waves and the obsession can cease, but bad days, triggers, cravings they can pop up and hit you like a ton of bricks.

I will definitely check that out thank you!

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Yes they will go away. Just know that you’ll be fine.

For me only drinking dreams occasionally. Cravings come and go depending on where I am and who I am with. My first 2 years I was on CAMPRAL that helped with cravings but I don’t really know if they ever go away especially in the first few years but take it from me don’t give in. I had one sip of a cold beer and back out 7 months. Your life is worth more than that. Are you involved in meetings? Do you have sober people you can reach out to? A sponsor? Just on a meeting whenever craving starts 247 AA meetings available. I also watched several movies, documentaries on alcoholism. You got this but you have to reach out whenever BEFORE you pick up that drink.

The thoughts always happen. They are just that thoughts. My brain is full of bad ideas

I know this is going to sound woo woo but my dreams weren't using dreams but instead violent dreams. There are dreams books out there. The suggestion was that every night before bed to look at the book. Usually has pics of scenery/something nice to look at. It was called a dream book. And something about prepping my sleep for nice things to remember was really helpful. The dreams became less and less. I rarely dream now. I can't tell you the last time that I had a violent dream.

Look up Annie Grace!!! She can help you give up your false beliefs & then the cravings will go away because, instead, of feeling “a fear of missing out” You will feel “a joy of missing out” Something in your brain still believes that you “NEED” it

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Dreams like that can stick around, but they tend to fade over time. Keep staying strong, it’s your mind working through the past. You’ve got this!

You have to WANT to be sober, and STAY sober. Protect your sobriety as it is life. I myself am scared to death of alcohol now. My life isn't great. But it is better.