Wondering if this app is helpful

Wondering if this app is helpful/useful/really of any benefit at all????

I'm on the fence myself. I keep it around and open it every once in awhile. It's been clutch.

I’ve found it to be useful in terms of it being a social networking type app that is based solely on sobriety and recovery - I find it more helpful than, for instance, Instagram.


The ppl at Loosid so far have been really helpful with responding to any bugs. Try screenshot ring any issue you get and sending it to them. They’ll likely be able to help

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I've been using it since June and have found it a great resource for support and inspiration :raised_hands: . I was in the hospital for a long while and with covid in isolation the whole time because of my immune system. So it's a good place to find like minds and talk about things you might not be able to with past connections


Wow, just one thing I am concerned about “you are here on this App” gladly and free see for yourself how much help it can offer you :blush:

I'm new here. How does this work? Is there a chat room to enter?

It's lacking people is all. But, the concept of us networking is good.


Gotta keep getting the word out there that there’s an app like this for people like us :muscle:t3: I think it’ll keep growing with time

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