Work has been extremely busy and Ive really been slacking

Work has been extremely busy and Ive really been slacking on my program. I'm having major cravings because of it. Guess I have to get my head back in the game.


Kathy, balance has always been the key for me. But I learned my sobriety has to always be my #1 priority over finance, romance and even family. With sobriety, I can have it all and much more. Without sobriety, I get nothing but pain and misery.
SLIP= sobriety, losing its priority. 

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If you're spread too thin that's a major trigger for me anyway. I've been saying no to things I don't want to do. Make self care a priority :bird::butterfly:🪻

Hey Kathy I know how that feels and I need to do that too :revolving_hearts:

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Kathy, thank you for your honesty. That is how we all can help each other. Just lift your head up and realize that we all have struggles just get back to meetings get on your steps. Call your Sponsor your support group and let God take care of the rest.

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Being too busy alone with stress and demands can cause us to relapse..we are plug in a support group that will our first priority having to stay sober..must set a time always for self-care..we allow our work become toxic if we don’t take of ourselves..we are to say “NO” to somethings ..we are to give ourselves permission to love ourselves,and to say we are enough..take care ourselves..your sobriety is worth more than a 9 to 5..