Wow... relapsed... 4 days sober again and withdraw was terrible

Wow... relapsed... 4 days sober again and withdraw was terrible man


…you are here and you can start again…and not relapse.
What do you plan on doing differently, this time?


Yes man! I'll never give up trying, I find interesting how one can be booze sober for 6 months and take a couple of shots ending up drinking the whole week and wanting to die 4 days later haha

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Welcome back!! Slip ups happen , the important thing is ya got 4 days again soon you’ll be at 30 and so on!


Yes sr!!! Back to track no matter how hard

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F yea! You got it right

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Yeah I had to go get more pain every time I relapsed. That’s the insanity of it! I had to make some changes or nothing was going to change. I now have 19 months with the help of a HP the NA program and a sponsor I am making headway. I’m glad you made it back and have 4 days please take come suggestions and apply them to your recovery

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It’s ok. The length of the streak doesn’t matter. We all stumble. What matters is that we get back up and keep trying.

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Congratulations on four days Gus don’t give up brother the miracle will happen. Just keep coming back and please do the work.

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Hey guys!! Morning!! 5 days and Finally slept great without waking up every hour or having nightmares, feeling GREAT! have an excellent sunday you all and thank you for your support!!! :smiley:

If no one told you they love you, today, let me be the first.
I LOVE YOU! :sparkling_heart:
I'm glad you're back. That's the bravest thing in the world.
You can do this, friend. One day at a time.

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8 days now and feel like born again! Haha one day at a time my friend! Love to you too :smiley:

You're my hero! :heart:

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What were your symptoms? My last relapse I had a really heavy head ,headache, blurred vision

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Headache, insomnia, cramps, little shaking, lots of sweat, fever, confusion, tiredness, upset stomach, red skin, vomits, bad humor... 4 days straight with all of them, by the 7th day I felt normal again...

You are mine!!! How are you now???

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Sheesh sounds about right mines usually last like 3days just about all the same symptoms. I hope you are feeling better.

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Yes! Mine too, 3 days and the 4th is just tiredness, then I get to sleep good and by the 6th day I feel normal again, after the 10th day I feel like a newborn until everything happens again haha, it's just a nightmare circle...

Lol just like recycling, no, God bless though I don't want to have anymore trips I'm over it when my money comes up short for the week I'm a different kind of pissed at the drugs :joy::joy:

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I'm awesome! How's your day going?