Yall, I feel like I’m about to slip up and

…please stop calling me bro, brother-Andrew.
I am not a man.

And please save your AA stuff for someone else.

I am not struggling.

You don’t need to “ pray “ for me.

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Sorry Sarim, I confused you with Isamar. Both are names I haven't ever seen before. I will be praying for Isamar then, as that person could use all the help they can get. My apologies for bro-ing you, I meant no disrespect by that. I thought that it was the OP stating they were struggling after 2½ years of sobriety. I can't take the prayer back, but clearly you didn't want it to begin with, so I won't pray for you anymore. Again, my apologies for getting you 2 mixed up. I'm here simply trying to be of service to those who are still sick and suffering. I hope we all get and maintain our sobriety, one day at a time. :pray:t2:

…it is fine, Andrew.

I simply needed to point out that you were addressing the incorrect individual.

I see a number of humans not mindfully reading posts.

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Unfortunately that's part of life, I'm sure even moreso with a unique name like Sarim. Have a wonderfully sober weekend!