Yall, I feel like I’m about to slip up and

Yall, I feel like I’m about to slip up and have a drink. I don’t want to get hammered or anything I just want a drink or two but it can turn so bad :persevere:
I’m really going through it and some days it’s just too much to handle.


I’m really trying not to. So far so good.


Thought this to myself on Saturday. 1 turned into 15. It’s not worth it. Take a nap. Go for a walk. Order food.
Do anything you can to distract yourself.


Are you doing this all on your own, or are you getting help? While this is app is helpful, it’s just one little tool that helps us to feel connected and not alone. If you’re not in a recovery program of some sort, and you’re struggling to stay stopped, I suggest you “go” get help. This app works best when you use it in conjunction with a recovery program. Addiction is a beast. Please get help. Give yourself a chance


That’s exactly my fear. Thank you for sharing. So far so good and I’m feeling more positive. Thank you :pray::white_heart:


Go to a meeting and share your feelings


Just remind yourself the last thing you lost when you decide to have a drink. You won't get them all back so keep what you have.


No doubt it’s tough but like others suggested do something or anything positive to change the thoughts. Read, talk to a friend or us here. Stream a movie or show.


I wanted too as well. I went right home and watching football.


Find an alternative. Walk. Read, workout, cut your hair...sometimes you need to something dramatic or something so minuscule.


I’d go to meetings every morning and every night until you get stronger.
Lean into the is the sober community. We want to help. We were you before and others helped us. This is how it works.


Nah, you need a support system of sober people, for real.

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Do you have anyone on your corner to support you?

Read about cravings.
They last for something like under 20 minutes.
Distract yourself-for 20 minutes at a time.

As you know, it will never be one or two drinks.

If AA is not your thing, there are other avenues of support.

So, a person cannot say-well, that did not work for me…especially since there are countless options in 2024…in regards to remaining sober.

Spend time looking online and reading about all of the various ways in which you can support your sobriety.

I will not drink with you today.

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There is a difference between cravings and an obsession. Cravings are what I have once alcohol enters my body, and my body demands MORE. The mental obsession is the peculiar way in which my mind justifies my drinking. All of this information is printed in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. AA was the only thing I've ever done in my entire life which has removed that mental obsession. I know today that I cannot safely drink alcohol of any kind, because of my body's reaction to it. I don't ever even think about drinking anymore. The obsession has been removed, because of the 12 steps of AA and because I was willing to believe a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity. It works, and there are thousands of meetings every day. If you want what we have (freedom from our alcoholic torture) and are willing to go to ANY length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. Best of luck to you! Don't drink between now and the time you go to bed. Hit your knees and say a prayer, asking a higher power to relieve your obsession to drink/drug, then thank Him before bed for another sober. That's what I did, and now I'm 5 days away from 2 years without any alcohol. You can do this, and I hope you've experienced enough pain to come into AA with an open mind, be willing to change and follow suggestions, and listen to those of us who are talking about HOW we recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. :pray:t2::heart:

…glad that it is working for you.

There are other avenues that help others get and remain sober.

I have been sober for over 2.5 years.

I have found other ways- outside of AA to remain sober.

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Dude, you've been sober for 2½ years yet you're still be tortured by alcohol?? That just means you haven't experienced enough pain yet. The Big Book says, that if you aren't convinced that you are an alcoholic then you should go out and try to do some controlled drinking. AA has no monopoly on sobriety, there are absolutely more programs out there that work. It's the only thing I've found that's kept me sober. My gf drinks moderately and is not an alcoholic, and I've had beer in my fridge for her for over a month now and I haven't thought about drinking it once. If you are an alcoholic of the hopeless variety, like I was, then you must seek spiritual help. You are what we call "dry", you've removed the alcohol problem but you're still stuck with the ick...If you don't do something different to address your disease, you will drink again. That's my experience, and what I've seen from people who come in and out of AA. Best of luck brother, I'm praying for you! :pray:t2: I hope you can look back on this one day and laugh, because my alcoholic mind no longer controls me or my life. I'm simply here to try to give back what was so freely given to me. May God bless you, and to continue to watch over you Sarim.:pray:t2: I would simply suggest that you pray for the willingness to try and do something different, because 2½ years dry is alcoholic torture to me. I did it for 3 months and I was losing my mind, because I wasn't doing anything to address the mental obsession I had. Alcohol was removed, but I was still stuck with me and my alcoholic thinking. I truly hope that you make it, brother! :pray:t2::heart:

Thank you so much! Saying you will not drink with me today really touched my heart 🥲🫶🏼
I’ve been doing good so far, 4 months sober on my own. I just reach out on here when I need the support or it’s been a rough day. A lot of people here are very supportive and kind 🩷

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…you seem to be responding to the wrong individual, Andrew.

I am not “ tortured “ by alcohol.

I stopped reading your comment, after reading that.

I never said that I was tortured by alcohol.

I do not know why you are responding to me in your replies.

I am not the one who posted.

I was providing support to the person who posted.

AA did not help me.
I am doing well-without AA.


You are welcome, Isamar M.!

I may be on the road, quite a bit…this weekend.

While will be sure to check in…to see how you are doing.:peace_symbol:

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