Y'all should pray for my daughter; she was hit by

Y'all should pray for my daughter; she was hit by a bus and is now in the hospital not asking for money just prayer please


Saddest news on here, ever! Sending positive vibes and prayers to you and her during this tumultuous time! Hang in there, Janet. Please cope without the addiction. You can do it and you two are both worth it!


Beware of scammers on here

This is a fake profile

Are you kidding me ?

Praying for your daughter :pray:t2:

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Have I ever asked anything from you before? I believe no one here can say I asked them for money before. Asking for help to pray for my daughter is not scamming, lol. There are fools everywhere.

Thank you Tina that’s the only thing I need please

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Thanks Allen

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Praying for her recovery :pray: what is her current condition?

Got proof, Mark? I have never given money online to anyone that I have not met in real life. I think I am immune from that BS. Yes, that includes the Orange Senile Narcissist Con pretending to be a presidential candidate. :joy::laughing::rofl:

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Prayers for your daughter and healing🙏

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:pray:t4::pray:t4: prayers for your baby girl.

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Praying for your daughter​:pray:t2::pray:t2:

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:pray: Sending prayers and hopes for a speedy full recovery your way. Post an update when you can. God bless :pray:

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Dear Jesus Please lay your hand upon this child. Please heal her as only you can. Please put your arms around this family give them strength and remind them only You can make miracles happen.Please give the drs wisdom. Please surround this family with unconditional love and support. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Momma Please let us give us updates

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I will pray for your daughter what's her name? (If you don't mind me asking)

Heavenly Father please heal this child, we ask in the name of you Son. Amen.