You don’t seem done

How is saying this to me helpful?!? I thought this person was a good friend!!! But saying this just puts in my head it’s ok to buy more!! So defeated


Have you tried seeing yourself from your friends perspective? Perhaps your friend sees something you are overlooking? I wouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions about your friend. Also if you decide it’s time you want something different than what you have had so far, then it’s never ok to “buy more” your already headed in the right direction by getting it out of your head and seeking advice so don’t beat yourself up to much on that part. There are a lot of people who keep such things to themselves and succumb to their own thoughts. I’d talk to the friend and listen to what they have to say, ask questions and have them point out why they came to that conclusion. You have to be ready for some constructive criticism though if this friend is a true friend then regardless of what they say you may have to remind yourself that they care and you should hear them completely out. Praying for you.


This is helpful in a way if it helps us realize that we think we can still drink successfully. We say we want to quit for good but there’s a lurking notion that we could maybe drink successfully. Alcoholics cannot drink successfully. So say they think you’re not done if you’re clinging to the idea that you still might be able to drink like other people.
Don’t be upset, ask yourself why your friend would think that.
Remember, if you’re an alcoholic then you don’t need an excuse to drink. If you practice step one then you’re on your way to recovery.


Maybe consider feeling blessed you have a friend left. One that cares enough to have an opinion😢


You can be done with addiction now, and enjoy life much better.

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Good morning Maureen

I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling.

You are not alone in this.

We’ve got your back.

Keep your head up and understand that when we fall. You have all of us around you to help pick you back up.

We do not shoot our wounded. We were all wounded. And now we are slowly recovering one day at a time.

Have a blessed day


Efffff that person! In my opinion, not a friend. Wake up Maureen. A beautiful life awaits you that doesn’t include drugs and alcohol.
You can do this!


Thank you

I have heard from many that when you get sober you find out who your real friends are. But who needs enemies when you have friends like that… sounds like a blessing that you are seeing this behaviour. People who dont have a problem with substance abuse will never truly understand the feeling. Reaching out on this app has helped me change the way I think. I hope this makes sense.

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Im still in early days of sobriety and figuring out but have heard alot of people telling me about loosing friends along the way which has happened already and I say good riddance to them!

Yeah, I know what you mean. I’ve looked at myself, and said to myself that same thing and admitted that I didn’t seem done. I really don’t like being in that place. Fortunately, I’ve been moving forward day by day and getting better at being done with things that are unhealthy for me. Hang in there.