I chose to live a purely sober lifestyle. I did think I would remain green friendly but I haven’t touched it. I tried CBD tea a few months sober and it helped in many ways but I didn’t try again. I am asking for your thoughts on CBD in sobriety not green, please.
I personally have no issue with it. I’ve been using it for years to help me with sleep. I was very hesitant to start it and said if it made me wanna drink i would stop. It’s been probably 5 years since i started. Never got me high. Helps me sleep so i don’t have to take prescriptions and I’m 6 days away from 8 years without a drink. I’m not condoning it for anyone but myself because i had to make that choice for me. I have always had very serious sleep Problems and didn’t want what my doctors were offering but i had to do something.
Snake oil
Thank you. I haven’t thought of the sleep-aid part. I was thinking anxiety but research says it good for many things.
The Big Book says”the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking” I have good results with the California recovery program.
Maybe I'll try that
I heard that term for the first time a couple of days ago. I was rotflmao. It’s pretty great.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not Snoop. A little release. My wife is way cool as in it beats what I did.
Here is the thing. CBD, shopping, stevia... is it an addiction? If not, do you. Plenty of folks here are "California sober" I won't tell you smoking anything is a good health choice but at the end of the day we replace what we give up with something. If it's not positive it's likely negative.
Does it serve a good and healthy purpose?
I'd drink CBD tea as I would Delta9 if that is what I got to do to sleep, which happens once or twice a month. I'm not mad about it. I consider myself no less sober but for a few minutes till I pass out. Anyhow, people pleasing is also an addiction of sorts that I'm breaking free from so I don't really care much how others feel about it. To be brutally honest. I'm almost year free of H and 6 months from suboxone. I'm as sober as I've ever been and keeping steady in that direction. If it were up to my docs I'd be on Suboxone or methadone which some people do fine with. Subs weren't for me and were harder to kick than H/fent. Methadone, thanks but no thanks. That's just my personal take. Less is more
Kava is good for sleep too but probably more expensive than THC tbh.
I once tried a non-alcoholic CBD-"infused" ginger beer. Honestly wasn't that great .
I don't think its a substance that really matters regarding "sobriety " I mean, sugar/caffeine are abused like mad in AA and nobody cares about that (cause AA is about drinking). But I don't think cbd does anything mind altering anyway, so who cares?