A Tool For Rebuilding Trust in Recovery

My family definitely held a boundary once my addiction got too painful for them to bear. But once I embraced my recovery and demonstrated consistent “living amends”, our relationships began to heal and we are now closer than ever before. :heart:


Loved the presentation! And resonated with the “joy and laugh in recovery” part. Thanks


Loved this recovery viceo! Very uplifting and inspiring



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New to this app and loving the videos. I just actually relapsed after having long term sobriety and loosing my only child to accidental overdose I was wondering if you could possibly do any videos on those subjects ( overdose, relapse due to deaths ect ) I would obviously be extremely interested if so and thank you. Keep up the good work.


Love your point of advertisement and the greed that comes into play in this industry. :100:


I :heart: the idea of Soberlink and only wish I knew about it before I lost my son Ryan ( 27 yrs old ) in my arms during the pandemic. It really could’ve benefited him and in doing so my whole family.


Page 132: "But we aren't a glum lot. If newcomers could see no joy or fun in our existence, they wouldn't want it. We absolutely insist on enjoying life." :relaxed:


I’m doing rather poorly with trust in recovery today. I dated a new guy with 11 years I have 8. Come to realize he hasn’t really done the work although he’s sober his treatment towards me was very quick to I love you and move in together which we did not but he’s rather narcissistic and I can’t take the put down the in and out the using my shared vulnerability against me the in and out and ghosting and likely lies and probably 3rd parties I finally had to walk away but I thought he would come back to apologize and he hasn’t. There’s been some unhealthy stalking and even so I miss him. I hoped with 5 months separation he’d be willing to apologize and reconnect but I’m still really scared about trust and if there’s going to still be 3rd parties. I’m not cut out to handle confrontation but I can do honest communication. He needs to be accountable. I’m really scared because I want the relationship but not with it the way it was. Remarks have hurt me before and I’m not cut out to confront. I’d rather not have to at all. But my trust in the relationship or any other relationship is so iffy. It’s not the alcohol but the behavior. Idk if this applies but it’s where I’m at.


Hi from Dallas Fort Worth Tx , my fist day

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Hi Katie. . So hard. 415-990-2259. Question for you.

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Frankly I’m sick of this making money off sponsoring. Totally bs. This is where opioid money has gone to rather than residential treatment. AA and NA Sponsors are available 24/7 365 days a year not just Monday through Friday 8-4:30. And frankly I think you are outright lieing about how you became a heroin addict. Good luck.

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What do you mean making money out of sponsoring?


I am going through this right now with a member of my family. It makes me sad that boundaries have to be imposed on our relationship, but I completely understand.




Hi I am Christie and I have 10 years of sobriety

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Welcome! Ha! I just saw your 1st day was 8 months ago. But hey, it’s all good :blush:

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Congrats! 10 years is huge!

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Hey I get it !

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Hello, how are you?