A Tool For Rebuilding Trust in Recovery

Did you check your phone's settings?

Great question. I'm not sure right now. If enough interest- there may be. :grin:

Canā€™t figure out the sound? Anyone?

@brian148365 yeah. good point. I was sort of thinking the same thing. No relapses= no $. SMH

No closed captioned

Agreed. I think treatment centers need to be asked why they don't use tools like this as the norm. Either they don't know that this exists or like was mentioned, they don't want to give a tool that will actually keep them sober. It's sad.

@paul148394 @brian148365 Like mentioned here, it means people will actually stay sober if they know have to show proof. I have family and friends who enable the person struggling and just hope they get sober but from my experience it doesnā€™t work.

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I think its very clear why treatment centers are resistant to this. People will actually stay sober. God Forbid.

New here !!ā€¦
@linda148436, I know, right? If treatment centers make money by people relapsing then I have a big question.. is there some way treatment centers can be incentivized by having their people stay sober? Is that even something that can happen?

is this talked about in al-anon or to any of the families? I never knew this ever existed until I watched this episode

hi @laura144761 - I had the same issues with my family- the trust was gone and they distanced themselves from me. When you started showing them you wre sober, where they an actually prove, how long did it take to rebuild that trust do you think?

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Hi Janet,
Iā€™ve had friends whose families started to trust them after 90 days, but my family was deeply hurt and it took about 2 years to recover their trust. The most important part was that I stayed consistent, and I never missed a test or made any excuses.
The big moment for me was when I heard the change in my momā€™s voice when she answered the phone. For years, I could hear the fear and dread in her voice. I was so happy when I could hear that she was enjoying her life again, without worrying about me every day.


This makes my heart proud for your momma. Nothing like a mother's love.

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yes I was gonna ask @laura144761 ,not to be intrusive, but if you dont mind... what kind of boundaries do you think are acceptable? I feel like I was not wanted at a point. I felt it was mean. It seems like this is what I really needed though right?


Its powerful when @mjg44017 mentions the guy he was working with who had just enough information about the program to hurt him... I see that a lot in the rooms. Its super important that people really understand the program and not quote from it. The way MJ says it though is hysterical. "i wasnt the one smoking crack last night" lol


Its really important for me to see people enjoying life in sobriety. @laura144761 -yes we can enjoy life and laugh!! Congratulations on your sobriety. Was great to see how you turned your life around. You mentioned the shift when things became out of control. I needed to hear that as I constantly think I have things under control and why not one drink. Thank you for the reminder!


Hi Taylor, Iā€™ve seen two approaches. In my own experience, my family went the ā€œtough loveā€ route and I was really hurt by it. But they were sending a message that they were no longer going to accept my behavior. The other approach is more compassionate and involved, where families focus on understanding the disease of addiction. There is no one true route to take. Looking back on my life when my addiction had completely taken over, I can see how the only way they could get through to me was through tough love. It was such a painful time for all of us, but I am grateful today that ā€œit took what it tookā€.


Great video! When is the next one coming?


So many families give up on their loved ones in addiction. So glad that's not your experience.


Definitely good to have when u live in smaller rural communities as well. Especially where Iā€™m at and itā€™s just outside Fort Worth where drugs are a major downfall of the city. So this is perfect I respect what u guys have going on here itā€™s very inspiringā€‹:100::dart:

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