Start praying for the strength to get well.
You are not alone. I will say to you what a good friend of mine said to me when I wanted to end my life. Are you a coward? Suicide is the coward's way out, rather than owning your sh*t and fighting your way to recovery, you take the easy way out.
If you're anything like me, I had buried myself into such a deep hole that I could no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is a way out. Going to meetings daily, getting a sponsor, reading the Big Book, and then working the steps with my sponsor brought me into a relationship with my Higher Power which I choose to call God for lack of a better word.
There is a reason why you are still here, and nothing is going to change until you decide to do the work. I didn't take the easy way out, and 2 years into this thing I am at peace for the first time since I've been a kid. I would highly recommend getting into a rehab, to get your mind and body clear enough to think straight, and then get to meetings every day. Get a sponsor. Get a home group. Get a service position in that home group. Work the 12 steps to the best of your ability, and keep praying. God comes to all those who earnestly seek Him.
You are not alone.