
Any suggestions what to do with craving all day. Day 46


Distract yourself, call a friend in recovery, go to a meeting, go for a walk, journal about the craving just some suggestions


Just think about where that one drink will lead you. Not even close to worth it

Follow the steps outlined in the book

When I’m craving for drugs & alcohol, I do several things that really help.

  1. I tell on myself to a recovering addict(s) immediately.
  2. Call my sponsor.
  3. Go to in person meetings. Tell on myself.
  4. Do service work with recovering addicts.
    Do you have a sponsor?

Congrats on your day 46 :+1:. There are a few ideas to side track those cravings: burn some energy, go for a walk or schedule regular workouts or meditation exercises, get some good rest at night but leave devices shut off to have uninterrupted rest, balanced diet, reading or start/pick up a fav creative craft like beading, sewing, painting, talk to a sponsor or have other support groups as emergency call contacts. Post up on your walls positive affirmations, join an online webinar, share your story in a meeting, or on a podcast so you can mentor others. Volunteer for a community advocacy group for addictions. I do all of these and currently host a volunteer peer support group.

Work is a great distraction I focus on being of service at work. Besides, that’s why they pay me.
Call your sponsor and get to a meeting. ASAP

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Distract yaself get out tha house and visit a friend

Meeting, call someone, eat something sweet. Call you sponsor if you have one. It’s hard but stay away for your life.

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Pray for God to remove the obsession...even something as simple as "Please help". Get to a meeting, get a sponsor, and work the steps. There is freedom in the 12 steps, they saved my life and millions of lives all over the world.

Keep your sugar up by eating sweets and drinking coffee .

For me, around 45 days was "look in the mirror" time. Go stand in front of a mirror and make sure you both understand the plan. It's called active recovery because we need to be actively reinforcing our sobriety.
I look at that person in the mirror, and I say, " Congrats on not drinking today," and then " We are not drinking tomorrow either."
That's all I got...1 day at a time.
Be strong :muscle:

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Craving last typically anywhere from 20m to an hour, but when they hit they can hit hard. Finding ways to redirect your focus can help.

Try chewing on ice or a strong mint to reset your senses, or keep your hands busy. Change your environment, step outside or switch rooms to break the pattern. Deep breaths can also ground you. Remember, the craving is temporary, and you’re building something permanent.

You can beat this your making it one step away from the hardest thing you had to change stay focused your gonna be fine :blush:

Go for a walk. Take pictures. Sit outside. Breathe!