Day 1 again…

Im struggling to stay sober, I have had so many day 1’s. I woke up total in alot of pain in my stomach and I have bruises I know nothing about (I am single so no one but me is abusing me.)


Pray, give yourself to God. Find a positive support system. Learn to embrace all your challenges as a stepping stone for growth. You got this, I believe in you.


Never give up​:bangbang::tada::tada:


Yep! When I was actively using drugs and alcohol, I had serious problems and strange things at home.
I lived alone🤪
The problem was my addictive self. I had to take serious measures to get serious results.


It can be your LAST day one, if you’d like. A lifetime of sobriety starts with a day one


No problem with a day 1 , day 1s lead to day 2 and 3 etc. Just take things slow and don't be hard on yourself! My last day one has lead me to almost being a year :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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My Day One Was The Absolute Hardest it was on a Friday too. I had to do it​:bangbang::tada::tada:


Glad you did


same & Thank You🎉



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Thank You! I meant my First Day was the hardest than made it harder it was on a Friday✝️


Wow girl I hear ya... I wish I could show you pics of some of my war wounds. I messed myself up badly when I was in the thick of it and all my organs seemed to be screaming at me to stop, everything hurt! Do you have a Higher Power... I hope you do, I suggest some heavy duty prayer and if you don't have a Higher Power I'm going to be praying for you so you're covered! You can and you will get past day 1... I have faith in you, we're all here to help you get there... just keep reaching out! Sending you tons of blessings. If you want to talk please message me!


Welcome back Kirsten! I hope you find meetings in your area to go to and/or zoom meetings

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At some point you must be willing to surrender over the powerless ness of alcohol. When the pain is great enough then only true change begin. You have to make that leap of faith that being sick and tired of that life has got to start with one day. One step of surrender and a willingness to do anything necessary to begin the journey of recovery. It truly is one day at a time. Turn away from the darkness and find the light.

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Sounds like too many day ones may indicate you need help stopping? Like treatment. I just know everyday I woke up vowing not to drink again while doing damage control, deleting horrid messages I'd sent people and injuries sustained but not remembered. I ended up drinking every time. Then I made the best decision of my life when I checked into an inpatient program


Keep trying. I’ve had so many day ones too. I finally went to my DR and asked for help. It was at the top of the list for hard things I’ve done. And I’ve done a lot (relatively) of hard things. The fact that you’re trying is a huge step. :purple_heart:


Prayers. I’m always on day one.

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Have you considered going to detox? Attending A.A.?


I just did this I have an appointment tomorrow with RAAM clinic not sure what exactly they do quite yet but im looking forward to getting help.

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