Day 1 again…

Thank you so much! Means alot hearing that


Great dear Kirsten! Please give yourself some love now! We always hear about the compassion in rescuing a puppy or other animal. What is needed now is for Kirsten to find that self love, n take a chance n be willing to give this Program your all, One Day at a Time! It’s the best decision you will ever make! On this one perfect day, DON’T Pick up for any reason! Not an option. End of the day, tuck in and ya got that day under your belt! Rinse n Repeat! Keep teaching out, get to meetings n get a Sponsor! We will love you til you can love yourself. Praying for you! Sky B :fire::white_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hibiscus::pray:t4:🪶:rainbow:🦬:sparkling_heart::fire:


Reaching out!!

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You’re trying and taking it very seriously. So many people don’t try or care. You’re one of the responsible ones and you will get there because you’re actually doing it. Please try to be super nice to yourself because you definitely deserve it


Good morning so today’s day two we’ve got your back. I’m so proud of you.


How are you today?


I hit the pillow sober! Didnt get much sleep but I stayed sober

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Thank you!

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Thank you!!

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Well im tired, didn’t get much sleep but I stayed sober and even better I had some clarity as to why I am doing this… wasn’t quite a thought but a feeling if that makes any sense.


Bonus Kirsten! Yes! Small victories! Drink water n easy on the caffeine. Pace yourself. Reach out to a sober friend who encourages you! This day is yours. Maybe start a journal if you can. Keep things simple. Keeping you in prayers! You can do this!! Hugz Sky B🩷:butterfly::sparkling_heart::coffee::coffee::hibiscus::rainbow:🪶


That's fantastic!! I want the best for you, you deserve this ! :heart:


One day at a time


Thank you.. I am finally believing I do as well! And most importantly I hit the pillow sober… cant sleep but im sober!


Me too. I have liver damage. Trying to get through day 2. We can do it :muscle:

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I just had blood work done today to check everything… I recently lost 2 relatives, my aunt and uncle to chirrosis of the liver and my mom was just diagnosed with stage 1. Scary stuff but we freaking got this!!! We can do hard things.

Me too but I got caravan and gabapentin and Zoloft that helps - if I take it

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I have found this app so helpful… I can’t even believe how awesome everyone has been on here and so helpful, compassionate and kind. Because as we go through this we forget to have these positive thoughts about ourselves and self doubt sets in, which is so dangerous, for me anyways. So greatful to be here.


Yes. I take a pill but instead of waiting for it to kick in I go get booze. So I need to keep it steady and also EAT breakfast- because a part of my cravings are low blood sugar it’s great to have people to talk to about it.

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