Do you struggle with sobriety?

Do you struggle with sobriety?


Some days I struggle the longer I've been sober the less I've struggled. The days I do struggle I know when I wake up the next day it's a new day and a new freedom mentally...


Not anymore. It took a lot of work and a complete lifestyle change, but I truly do not struggle day to day.


The cravings and obsession have been removed thanks to the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. However, it’s not about the alcohol anymore. It’s about the obsession of the mind, the spiritual malady and selfishness that I’m dealing with. I have tools to help me see what my defects are and how I can use faith to have them removed or made more aware of. Looking at my inventory had shaped who I’m becoming and am today. It doesn’t get easier! It gets better!


Not really, but only because I spend most of my time focused on maintaining it. It's part of my work, hobbies, and social life; I fill my time with positive so there's no room for the negative- work for rehab center, play music for sober events, hang with sober friends, have step classes and meetings. Keeps me sober and happy.


I struggle with earthlings.


I'm only just beginning but, to My knowledge; it's somewhat of a struggle

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I understand

I don't struggle with the urge to drink anymore (thank God). Now I just struggle with life!! I struggle with tackling challenges and not avoiding them or procrastinating. I struggle with confronting people when it's needed rather than being passive aggressive and talking behind their back. I struggle with resisting passivity and trying to be purposeful. I struggle with being honest and never deceptive in mybrelationships. Lots of bad habits to break.


Triggers set me back but I go into other addictions like bingeing on my phone or cookies! One day at a time and I’m going to get up and try again tomorrow.
I have to stick to the basic routine and healthy habits to handle those triggers-it’s like vitamins. If I’m depleted, I’m much more vulnerable to dis-ease.

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I don’t struggle with the act of drinking, any more. That went away after about 7 or 8 months. I no longer crave it. I do have a problem with loneliness. I an also hyper aware of how far behind I feel in life, in general. I feel like a 20 year old in a 33 year old body. If that makes sense.


wow, the Lord is your strength :slightly_smiling_face:

Not anymore but it takes time.. just take it one day at a time.

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I don’t struggle with not wanting to drink. The hardest part now is staying on the beam. It’s so easy to let feelings take over but taking a moment to breathe can work wonders.

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I do struggle

I hit my rock bottom. When I decided to stay sober it was my last choice. Ask God for help because I didn't want to continue the cycle. I tried it many many many times on my own and failed time and again. It's the emotions and feeling that come with sobriety that hit like a tsunami.... Those were /are um difficult to deal with. It's a daily reprieve for me. I ask for help every morning & Say thanks for my sobriety every night. I work at it Everyday.

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First year was a big struggle.i learned a lot

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I struggle when I don’t work an honest program; half assing things.
When I’m practicing yoga daily, exercising, meditating, praying, socializing, gardening, helping other alcoholics, hitting meetings it tends to be joyous rather than a struggle.
I promise it gets easier with time and flows nicely when you refine your personal program of recovery.
LMK if I can help :pray:t4:

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