Drank again

Literally I need to stop


One day at a time.


You will get there just stay strong

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You got this. Start fresh tomorrow. We make mistakes. And how we learn and move forward is what matters

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Feel free to reach out if you need to chat.

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One day you will have the strength and self control to take control back of your life and you will look back and wonder why something without a pulse had so much control over you and your emotions
I’m so proud of you for wanting and trying
All you can do is try harder tomorrow
I believe in you

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It has NOTHING but pain, anguish and disappointment to say the very least. Your personal prison gates are open, don't be afraid of the unknown.


Literally, go to meetings. Literally build a support group of sober people who literally know what it's like to be where you are and literally care about you. Literally stay sober.


I’m literally on day one again. The comment above by Taylor really hit me! Let’s do what is necessary to STAY sober💚


It is ok. We’ve all been there. Stay strong, and see what else you can do to help yourself.

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Yes new day new start of an exciting journey

Sometimes meetings aren’t enough. Outpatient facilites can help maintain sobriety and develop positive coping skills.

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It took me A LOT of tries. It’s possible.

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A lot of us suggest 12 step programs. None of us ever went to our first meeting because we wanted to. We went because we had tried everything else. Twice. And it was our last resort. And we were met there by people who wanted to help us.

Nobody gets sober because their life is great. All of us who have some time started out like you feel today. Go to a meeting. Ask the women for help. They will help you.

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Stay strong, it is part of the process sometimes unfortunately. Keep your head up, keep pushing forward.. you've got this! We are all here for you, keep talking about it and focus on right now, don't worry about what is going to happen or what has already happened, stay in the present, every moment sober is a victory

All i can say is iam in same boat - one of these days will be in the rear view- i just came across concept of pray big- not a religious person but like the idea behind it

So what is your plan for the next time you get a desire to drink? What will you do differently than you did the last time or didn't do the last time?

I tell myself...I only need to stay sober today. Tomorrow, if I still want to drink, I can. Tomorrow rarely comes :smirk: I'm too happy being sober. Death is at the bottom of that bottle.. despair, loneliness, drama, & pain. Just stay sober TODAY :star2::pray:

Such a supportive group of people. AMAZING!

Get a plan
Follow through
Be patient
Develop self restraint
See and talk and fo your life
Ask for help
Lotta water
Go to treatment
Block out unhealthy people
Call a sponsor and support group all day Take Amino Acids everyday
Do what you love
Let go immediately of any negatively
Talk to yourself
See yourself happy healthy and safe And make it Important