
I need some support, my head is barley above water and I’m struggling more now than I have in a very very long time. I’ve reached out, and pulled out all the stops and used all the skills I have learned along the way of my sobriety journey… but it hasn’t helped much. I need encouraging words, what do you do to pull yourself out of a depressive dark place.


Hang in there you are worth it concentrate on the good things


Stay going in the right direction that’s more important than the speed you are going

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Hang in there B! This too shall pass. Just focus on today.

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I often get inpatient with myself, thinking I should be further ahead in many different things in my life. Thanks for the reminder.


I’ll take a nap. Connect with nature. Watch a light hearted move (Pixar’s & Jim Henson’s are my favorites). Be around someone who is safe, has more clean and sober time than me, & I look up to. Go to a meeting with a friend or log into the AA 24 hr. international marathon meeting via ZOOM. I’M

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Depression is regretting the past. Anxiety is fearing the future. The sweet spot, is to stay present right in today. You’ll often hear someone suggest to “get out of yourself”. To me that means to focus my attention and energy on being useful to someone else. There are billions of ways to do that. Cook for someone. Shop for someone. Watch someone’s kids for them. Rake someone’s yard. Volunteer at a library or soup kitchen. Walk someone’s dog.

Another quick way to snap out of yourself is to recognize and be thankful for what you do have in your life. I’m grateful I don’t have to work this weekend. I’m grateful it was sunny today when the forecast said rain. I’m grateful my dogs aren’t barking. I’m grateful to myself for finally deleting twitter because of the negativity it brought into my life. I’m grateful my kids don’t love the twizzlers in their Halloween loot. I’m grateful Loosid is a click away.


I have the same struggles. I just want everything to be better right now.! :grimacing:But I have to remember that I have plenty of time to rebuild myself and my life and that if I try to do too much too soon then it’s all just going to fall apart and actually become counter-productive. -When I get overwhelmed I try to just focus on the small victories. Even if it feels like the only one I’ve had for the day has been simply staying sober. That’s better than nothing.!


When you start to panic over how far you have to go, look back on how far you’ve actually come and try to focus on that :black_heart:


So well said! Esteemable acts are not rare for me, helping others is what I’m good at, so much so I forget to take care of myself til I get to this spot. The twizzler part though, gave me a good chuckle so thank you!


Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.

I need to read each comment, I will…while congratulations Craig for deleting crazy a​:zap::zap:Twitter (!)-oh yeah and for remaining sober!
:partying_face:Brittney, hope that reading the comments help. Rooting for you. I that you find tools which help. You are certainly not alone. Please know.

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—-hope that you find tools which help. Please pardon my typo.

Stay busy I know it's hard sometimes but that's my biggest thing!! It's helped me a lot so far.. my best friend and my dad died within two months ago


I listen to 90’s dance music and dance and sing like no one is watching. Actually had to do this for the last two days. When I wake up I think of all the things I’m grateful for and before bed too. That’s me lately :raised_hands: hope this helps :heartpulse:


I had to get professional help and take medicine for that. You’ll hear everyone’s take on it and what to do but it can be a serious problem and is also very treatable.

Reach out to me if you want, you know I got your back!

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Oh most definitely, you worded it perfectly!

I do everyday :relaxed:

I stay busy, that’s part of the problem, I let my cup get empty, self care goes out the window before I even realize it has.