Such a big baby and 10 years older than me . I ended up having a much better day thanks to my sober brothers and sisters
He just needs some of us bigger fellas to pay him a social call, Jersey style.
Block block block
Block his email.
Block him obviously nothing good is happening by you listening to him. And honestly, I'd make a police report for the harassment at least. It's better to make an official report of it now incase his he escalates or tries to physically abuse you.
Print out the emails and bring them to whomever issued the restraining order. Let him sit in jail.
It was a temporary restraining order 9 months current one
Blocking him is a good start. Stay strong and keep moving forward.
I totally feel your pain. I am going through a similar situation. Please stay strong and know you are beautiful and BE PROUD of yourself for staying sober
Similar experience, tho my ex isn't an addict. He refused to support my recovery & is Abusive. I got sober & left. Best/hardest thing I've done had little to do w getting sober, but staying sober thru post-relationship abuse. I wrote every reason to stay away from him, it helped. I didn't get over the betrayal for what seemed like forever. The grass IS greener on the other side of abuse. Take it ONE min at a time. STAY CONNECTED. remember, Feelings Aren't Real! Report him if u have a restraining order. It's hard, I know, but I don't believe you'll regret it.
For now I could A: get a no contact order against him, he will NOT be able to call/ text/ & or email you,if he does he can get arrested for breaking the no contact order!& or
B: change up things a little like example: make a new email address so he can’t email u you’ll have a new one if need be change you’r cell phone number and or house number try to NOT even open emails texts mail etc completely ignore him your trying to do u and focus on your recovery u don’t need toxic negative people around you at all! Your better than that he seems insecure and (mad)jelious your finally wanting to be clean and or sober and he has no control now! Your a beautiful person don’t let him or ANYONE break you!!! Y got this 1 day at a time hang with family and or friends , go to a meeting etc….
Thank you! ODAAT
Erase the emails without even reading them, remember no one can ever define you with words !! Your amazing and keep moving forward no matter what, it gets so much easier !!
Good for you. I mean on blocking. I don't understand what goes to slam means?
Meetings are definitely helpful. If you're meeting new people there with the with with good intentions, they're important if you utilize those people. there's two things that I mean by this one you can find some s***** people at meetings. Also, the people that you meet and once you vet them. The relationships are pointless if you don't reach out to these people in times when you struggle. Your pride will get the best of you and tell you that you don't need to bother anyone and that they wouldn't care anyway. But I stress the need to try and and make a new network of people that you're meeting in meetings
Hey I apologize it took me a while to get back to you. I added you as a friend I don't know how to message cuz I'm still new to this app