Hey y'all. I'm sober, but really struggling at this moment. I'm a single Dad with one of my boys living with me and another living with his Mom. (They're teenagers, so that's fun. Got a great relationship with them both.) Looking for a distraction. I'm making dinner, Jambalaya, right now. Cooking and playing my guitars helps me stay grounded during the winter, when I would usually be trying to stay busy outside doing yardwork and other such things around the house. What do y'all do?
Where is everyone?
Call a sober friend. Go to a meeting if you can.
Thanks, Jeff.
I take in Zoom meetings and there is always something I can clean around here.
Yeah that’s the best thing to do.
Make the gym a routine
Hey Adam! I understand your sense of trying to fill the void and replace the habit. For the first 3 weeks I had to mourne the loss of Alcohol as if it was a friend that I wasn’t going to see anymore that moved away. Once I properly mourned it and accepted it as something that wasn’t an option, my mind started to enjoy things I normally couldn’t enjoy before unless I drank.
I’m not sure if it’s the same for you/ how long you’ve stopped. But for me I thought I’d be mourning it a h3ll of a lot longer, and now I feel great all the time. Got 2 kids with a 3rd on the way and minimal to no urge to drink.
I guess what I’m saying is that time is the formula and the timeline is different for everyone beother . Feel free to message me if you want!
Reading helps a lot. Especially if you’re reading for a project. Suppose you’re refurbishing a bunch of old swords. You’d have to exhaust the internet, then be into old books on Google archive before you found information about every detail, and you’d be on point and hyper focus the whole time.
Whatever you’ve always wanted to do, ya know?
Build scratch fishing rods, visual pinball, leather ball gags, doesn’t matter. Just start an intense hobby and start it right now.
Thank you for sharing your experience and your insight, Sean. I have gone through phases. I was sober for 12 years. Then, after 2 years of nonsense, sober again for 6. Messed up again, so... been sober for 3 months so far this time.
Well you got some time on me then! I just reached 45 days .
It's just something we must focus on each day, huh... Congrats on your journey so far! The time I have (and have had) is no better than anyone else's.
I have a pretty strong "front row" that I talk to alot.
I've been traveling for work recently. Otherwise I do a few meetings a week, and I hold a couple service positions in my area.....
Glad to hear your doing well single dad of 2 21 n 20 both boys n we do a lot together
Good stuff, Martin. How old are you? Our boys seem to be similarly aged apart.
Mine, 16 / 18)
When I went sober 11 months ago my boys didn't know what I was gonna be like Christmas came along and while my oldest said to me dad your great aside from the no beer thing your still the man that made me who I'm going to be I can't wait for to o tell your story to my children n future friends
He said everyone said your gonna be different but your not 30 days in rehab he figured oh well there goes the fun but that didn't happen
Stress n about 40 beers a day for 3 straight years finally put me out stress still there n he knows it but hes not walking on egg shells about itn neither is his brother
20 n 21 youngest is autistic but we don't treat him to any different beach truck trips yard work family parties we go together x wife nice girl but not big on taking them