I am new to this site and new to recovery. Does anyone have suggestions or tips for me to stay sober? I feel like I can’t but I want to. I have had friends die to this and I want to live and I want to stay sober, but my mind keeps playing these tricks on me. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you.
Welcome. The first this I suggest is get to some meetings. The people there have all been where you are. Secondly, I suggest when the urge arises that you play the tape through. That means to recite how your drinking plays out. List all the reasons you need to avoid drinking.
Hi Moon Flower, first I want to say that there are sooo many ways to stay sober. We each have our own journey and what works for one person may not work for another. That being said, I can only speak from my experience, the things that I do to stay sober today are listening to sobriety podcasts, reading sobriety memoirs and other literature about sobriety, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, surrounding myself with like minded supportive people, non-alcoholic beverages like homemade mocktails, and therapy. While this has not been my path, I know it works for many, so I will suggest trying AA. But there are also a lot of alternatives meeting formats like The Luckiest Club by Laura McKowen, Women for Sobriety, and Tempest Sobriety School, these all have feminine-centric ideals and programs. I hope this helps and good luck on your journey! If you want it you can definitely do it!
As an after thought, two really great books to get started are Sober Curious by Ruby Warrington and Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker.
Thank you
Thank you I will look that up!
I love to read, I will look that up! Thank you!
Just find an AA meeting be around ppl that are supportive and welcome
There are many programs of recovery! What works for one does not work for all. Some don’t do a program. For me I like the Smart Recovery model and meetings. I don’t go to meetings often. My first 10 years without alcohol I didn’t do any recovery program. Then had a one month relapse and my counselor thought that I would be a good fit for the Smart program. She was right. Been AF for the 4 years since. Best wishes
I'd suggest a women only AA meeting close to you. You'll meet others who've been where you are at and have found a solution.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Www.aa. org 90 meetings in 90 days
Meetings, meetings, meetings! And get a sponsor and some good sober buddies. Good luck, you can do this!
Women friends.
Omg thank you so much
Wow! Thank you!
Thank you so much!
I will look into thank you so much
Thank you so much sorry if I replied twice, I’m an early 80’s baby so please be patient with me lol
The best advice i can give is AA meetings and take advantage of this community, starting a daily routine that keeps your mind off of your addiction, and holds you accountable. Most of all believe in yourself, and take it 1 min. 1 hour. 1 days at a time
I believe you just stay strong and believe in yourself