Hi, I’m new here. I’m sober never was an alcoholic, but seem to

Hi, I’m new here. I’m sober never was an alcoholic,but have been friends and dated alcoholics and it just doesn’t work for me. I don’t want the chaos in my life. I’m looking to meet new friends that are sober. I don’t drink or do drugs. I just want to have fun with people who don’t need substances to do so. Any takers? :blush:


Everything you wrote is exactly how I feel! Ever since I got sober I had to cut ties to everyone because they were toxic. I found that I don’t really have any true friends. The only ones I had were the ones in rehab.. I want to have friends that have to use to have a good time. Im new to this app and a big reason I did was to make friends :raised_hand:t2: I’m down.

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Hi Christine. Welcome.

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Welcome I’m looking Forward to being able to go out sober and have a good time and not have to feel like the only way I could be the life of the party is if I was drinking so welcome to the group and I found a few good things that we could do there’s yoga in the park if you’re close to Cincinnati and you know just different things to do all around the city so I’m not sure what where you’re located at but if you’re in Cincinnati hi honey we got plenty plenty of good exit out of museums up here to go to and everything like that that you don’t even have to have a drink liquor or anything else like that so once again welcome

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Nice to meet you! Yes it’s so much better to be free of toxic people.


Thank you :pray:t3:

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Yes, yoga and meditation classes are great. Hiking is good, it’s hard though because so many people fall back on alcohol or drugs. I’m so not into it. I’ve been doing things alone for awhile.

I will say that the only step of the 12 steps of AA that mentions alcohol is the first step. All of the other 11 steps teach us how to live sober. Or in other words, how to live a better life. Meeting people with solid sobriety is a great way to meet REAL people. I wish you success in finding friends here! Hope this helps. :grin:


It’s the obsession of every alcoholic to drink like a normal person. Alcohol is for blacking out, so persons like us want because life is so intolerable. I like your spin but …I kinda disagree.

The good thing about living a new sober lifestyle is you have the power to change the isolation and break out and socialize more

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Hello Christine. Welcome. I’m 62 days alcohol free today. I feel the best I ever felt. They were correct when everyone told me life gets better

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Awesome! :slightly_smiling_face:

I grew up with an alcoholic. I understand how it goes.

I commend people that are able to gain control over their addiction. It’s everywhere. Learning to face your shadow is never easy for anyone. We are all effected one way or another.

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Yes!!! Gina. I love your mindset

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That’s awesome :clap:. It takes courage to face it all. Life is beautiful. Acceptance and forgiving ourselves is our gift to others. A healed version of ourselves

I love this. I needed to hear this

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Right on!!!

You al anon—-(I’m already resentful you seem to be superior). Lmao.

That’s more about you then me. You’re simply projecting your issues onto me. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you resent yourself so much and why you feel superior to me?
You do recognize your response speaks to directly to it.
I do not take anything of what you said personally. I have compassion towards you and your growth. I won’t tolerate your behavior.
Best wishes

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