Hi, I’m new here. I’m sober never was an alcoholic, but seem to

That’s awesome. :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome. Good place here. Congrats on seeing the path forward.

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We all have our journey right?

That’s right. Good to try and find that inner self.

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I can't be friends with people who use or drink too much. I seem to attract that type however. It's a theme for sure.

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Are you al anon (?).

My poor communication skills got us off on the wrong foot.

This was a question followed by my attempt at humor.

Do not contact me. I do not accept or tolerate your behavior towards me. I truly hope you heal yourself. Again DO NOT CONTACT ME.

Yes I am. Though I do not have to justify myself to you. I’ve done the work.

Thank you :pray:t3:

That’s were the soul work comes in. This work is for everyone not just addicts or alcoholics. We all have our sh&t. We just need to address that to undo the damaging behaviors. All they are doing is masking pain and allowing you to escape. IMO

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It’s sad you feel such hatred towards yourself. DO NOT CONTACT ME. It’s harassment now. Knock it off.

I apologize for any resentment I may have expressed.

Go skydiving with me

Omg that’s so scary.

That’s my work, so thanks for filling my plate , always grateful for more work to help me get more free. I will explain myself because you’re in 12 steps so it’s relevant

You have been reported.

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It’s so awesome and just think of the rush you will get no need for substances lol

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Hi , im wondering what a healthy woman without a problem with mind altering chemicals is attempting to find a healthy friend on a site like this, not saying there is anything wrong, it just strikes me as odd ,

A hiking site or a mountain bike site, but a im here but im not all there site, Really, I say this because I spent 10 years after a 6 month beginning after falling off and when the gal that could not stay soberfor more than a week on average died of this horrible disease, although I had 10 years sober it was like I just came off a bender for years, we can use any thing to escape our self growth,

Hi Christine. Welcome!!

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