Hi, im new here. Im really struggling right now. My

Hi, im new here. Im really struggling right now. My mind is a mess.


We’re here for you. What feels like it would be helpful? Someone to rant to or someone to share experiences with? (Story swapping)


Idk. Both maybe. I’m just so stressed.


Is it the handling of life sober? We all struggle with that, and new sobriety is even more challenging. (I’ve had a lot of day ones in my life). I like to take a shower when I’m super stressed because it feels like some of it will melt away down the drain.


Stress isn't fun at all. I struggle with it weekly. I have to go to the gym and work out to release the stress! I hope you can find a healthy way to manage your stress!!


Hey I'm just getting on the app what is going on maybe I can be of service. Love to talk


Hi, welcome! It’s brave of you to reach out.

When your mind feels messy, try starting small….write down your thoughts or take a few deep breaths to reset. Deep breathing does WONDERS!

We’re here for you!



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My dad once said (told to him by his dad) “when you openly recognize the struggle, you’re halfway to the solution” and that has helped things feel more hopeful for me. Hope you get what you need from the community here.


Ik how the struggles hit. If you ever need to talk im here.


Kayla. You're not alone on this. You've recognized your struggle. That's a good thing because you're half way to the solution.
I've been around for the past 36 years faithfully. Add me and we'll talk.


Stay strong :muscle:

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I really messed up. I had almost 4 years and I slipped yesterday..

Reaching out is the right choice :ok_hand:....

How long clean do you have?

Do you have a program you're working?
(Its perfectly fine if you don't, just trying to ask questions so I can try to help with what you're going throug

I had almost 4 years until yesterday..

At least you know you can do it again.

This can be just a bump in the road of your recovery.

It :100: doesn't have to define you. Even if it feels that way.
People slip up, and nobody's perfect

That's tough. You're doing good reaching out. Keep being proud of that 4 years. It's a thing you did.

I'm here for you if you want to vent or talk too

Hey, it's OK you just have to believe in what you pray for. We all have had struggles and we found things and people to help get us through. Continue to reach out, we're here. Don't give up,it shall pass

Reaching out here is a lot better than reaching out to a dealer or a bartender.
Stay the course hun hang tough...