How do you feel about perscribed medication?

Please share your thoughts and feelings on being prescribed medication from a psychiatrist.


I was a mess without it.

The issue isn't doctor medicating. It is when we self medicate as we did for so long. Most of us have undiagnosed issues while we are in active addiction. Once we are in recovery we should get the underlying issues treated as well.


I guess so but not everyone has the same experience with medications right? We don't even know enough about some medications yet they're pumped out like it's nothing. For example gabapentin, we have a lot to learn about it even though it's widely perscribed. Taking something perscribed by a psychiatrist is not always the answer I feel.

That would be why finding a doctor you can trust is so imperative

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Totally normal and can be life-changing…but you might need to be patient as you figure out what works for your body. There can be some trial and error.

As long as it is taken as prescribed by a licensed doctor, there should be no issue.
But I would look long & hard with those meds & be totally honest with my healthcare provider about any misgivings and my history of abuse.

It can be for some totally... It's just a shame that managing without has a negative connotation.

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Absolutely, playing your cards a certain way could lead you to fresh scripts of Xanax and Adderall! It's great more psychiatrists these days have opted against benzos and harmful pills with more and more evidence coming out. The psychiatrist can be a scary place.


Agreed. A good provider will take into account your past history + plus that of your family. The more details they ask for the better. Making a calculated recommendation based on that rather than freely prescribing.

Shane, do you have a primary doctor that can work in tandem with your psychiatrist to help individualize it further for your needs? That seems like it could be beneficial to establish.


It can be really helpful. There’s still such a long way to go in the medical field on psychiatric drugs. Too many times the doctors who are prescribing the meds do not have a handle on what they really do…or the negative side affects. As said above, a lot of trial and error and grief from the user along the way until you find a “solution” that works for you. I’ve tried both eastern and western medicines for anxiety and they both have merits.


Perscribed mens is a bit of a sensitive issue with a lot of people. I for 1 do get medd prescribed that help me stay sober. So as farms I'm concerned if it keeps me off the streets and out of bars then I'm OK with it...

If you are honest with your psychiatrist about your addiction then they will avoid all drugs that are addictive or will get you to drink/drug. Typically these are the benzo class drugs.

If it’s prescribed, and you trust the prescriber, and taken as prescribed…it’s probably a good thing. But I subscribe to the theory of whatever works, and I know not everyone feels the same.

Shane I am not a doctor. So when I am honest and upfront with my doctors about my condition and my addiction, I trust them. They are informed of my addiction to a degree that ensures my safety.

Depends on what the meds are for/treating I guess in my opinion. I was diagnosed with GAD and prescribed 0.5mg Xanax as needed but I haven’t had to take one in a couple months. I did heed the prescription advice for Antibuse for my first 90 days of sobriety and am SUPER glad I did. Ultimately I think a lot of the issues that makes us drink require hard work to overcome, does that mean with mediations? Yeah I think sometimes. For me personally my drinking caused my anxiety come to find out so in my case it doesn’t require Xanax just being sober fixes it. So again it depends on the person and the issue I think personally.

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I was in the Marines for 20 yrs. I always drank. I was depressed and having ptsd really bad. I did 4tours. It wasn’t until I was 3 months sober that a friend suggested I see a Dr. Now I’m somewhat ok. I was against taking pills but without my meds I will die. Make a informed decision. :wink:


Thank you for your service.

You are welcome :grinning:

Good advice above. Trust your doctor. Sometimes sponsors or others will make suggestions, they are not doctors and have no business giving medical advice. Take them as prescribed and live.