How do you feel about perscribed medication?

Come on man. The attitude isn't necessary.

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Kate I was responding to the author but I'm compelled to respond. I have the exact same symptoms as you. I've been hospitalized numerous times due to panic attacks so can relate to your situation. However to say that Xanax does not get you high or produce euphoria is laughable. Anybody who has ever a Xanax of any dose or any other benzo for that matter would probably disagree with you. That is of course, if they are being honest with themselves. I've been prescribed low dose benzos 3 times in my life and everytime I stopped taking them voluntarily because they are dangerous and produce euphoria and dependence. I could get a script today if I wanted to but I learned I don't need them and I wouldn't consider myself sober if I did. Humans somehow lived for thousands of years without them. I've been to more treatment centers than I can count and the worst withdrawal I ever saw was a women trying to get off Xanax after 15 years. If you're anything like me you probably like the effect produced by them and didn't want to stop taking them. That was my experience but I didn't need them I wanted them. Could you stop taking them without problems if you wanted? I know I couldn't. For me if something creates euphoria and dependence it's a drug plain and simple. I had to learn to be honest with myself as I didn't come naturally. Your sobriety is your business but ah yea Xanax gets you high.

For me personally, the stimulant I was prescribed for adhd was harmful. It took a long time to admit that I got a rush from it and that the side effects like insomnia and anxiety were worse than if I wasn’t medicated at all. I’m off of them now. I’m not even sure if the time I was on them and not drinking I could consider clean or sober. All I know is my energy levels are good and stable, not up and down like before. The anxiety is no longer there. I have a more positive and less cynical outlook on life. I look better. My conscious is clean. I deal with situations better.
The one thing I did right was to know not to ask about sleeping pills bc I would of liked them so much I would start taking them in the daytime. Sounds like he’ll to me.
That’s just me. I also know someone in recovery that does have a benzo prescription and they use it as needed for a real condition and they’ve never had a problem with abusing it. So it really depends on your intentions.

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Another important note. Just because something is prescribed by a doctor, does not make it safe or non-habit forming. Just ask the hundreds of thousands of people who lost thier lives after being prescribed oxycontin. Doctors are human beings and the people who make drugs or "medication" make them for money.