I am over the rooms (for me) being Anglo, male,

I am over the rooms (for me) being Anglo, male, ancient drunks with a bazillion years of sobriety. :roll_eyes:.

It would be nice to visit a meeting that is TRULY diverse.


I’ve been struggling with an old timer in my meetings also. I’ve also was thinking the same as you. I really need to be there though so I called him out last week. I know it’s tough but I need to be in the rooms to save myself.

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Maybe you need to check out different meetings. Or maybe open your mind a bit. Maybe you could learn something from those old white guys who have been sober for a bazillion years. Maybe they know some sh7t. It shouldn't matter the age/race/sêx of where the experience/knowledge/support is coming from. I'm sure they don't care about you're sêx/race/age. I'm sure they still wanna help you stay sober.

On it's face, your post smells.


Rooms = more than one room. Don't like it in this room? Go to another one. Right?

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Seems simple right? It’s not. To get diversity I sometimes tend NA, which is close but not AA

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That is what keeps me trying and going. I LOVE big book. So I travel for meetings I mean I did far more going to party🫤. Thank you :blush:

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I can dig it. I mean, I'm a white guy, not a fossil and only sober around 6 months. I felt like an outsider too, but I don't anymore. And they are some of the most open and helpful people.

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No one deserves a seat more than you. Some old timers feel entitled

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There was an old timer at one particular meeting that would constantly say to me, regarding god/Jebus, "you'll get it eventually" which felt very condescending to me. So I stopped going to that meeting. Problem solved.

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They did? 🫤

Haha super hard eyeroll at that comment....

Congratulations on 6months btw

So to understand the correctly I post something venting about MY EXPERIENCES :roll_eyes:. Now it’s starting to be a debate about how I SHOULD feel about rooms? What I need do?

Comments like these proves my point even more, brilliant and oh so supportive.
Laughable. May your higher power continue to bless you in ur life. :v:t3::v:t3:



So you're initial comment at first sounded like you were saying there weren't enough non-white, younger people at meetings but also it sounded like you were saying there were too many old white people. I'm assuming you're not white, so if you don't think there is enough diversity maybe you should get off your a$$ and start getting more brown people in the rooms. Right? Instead of complaining about it. I mean, I'm a white guy and I have never seen any "whites only" signs anywhere. There are lots of brown folks at my meetings.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. God bless you

I laugh because it’s hilarious.

Strong reply.

While diversity is extremely important, and I fully understand how you feel; I ponder the question of would this post have been better served by leaving the terms of Anglo and male from them? Far to often we see people use race and gender to identify problems that could have been identified by the problem alone.
An example of what I mean instead of "Anglo male ancient drunks with a Brazilian years in Sobriety;" the question would have been much less contentious worded as rooms with guy with a Brazilian years sobriety. At that point you could go on to say that the single ethnic and predominantly male groups are not a space you are comfortable in, and the accusations of racism and the ire of most would be negated all together.

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I actually said bazillion not Brazilian

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