I am really struggling mentally. Idk what to do. I feel like I just want to punch things and drink so I dont have to feel this way anymore. I am financially unstable and I have a partner that is repeatedly throwing my terrible decisions I made while actively drinking in my face. I am just so defeated. Im over it.
I find myself struggling mentally when I've isolated or been alone too long. Ironically my daughter was on me yesterday about things I'd done during my active alcoholism. All we can do is continue to improve ourselves by staying sober. Actions not words... Don't give up Amber!
No matter what you are so worth staying sober. I’m sorry, you’re going through this. You deserve peace and happiness. Keep your boundaries up and push through. Here for you.
You are amazing for coming on here. And voicing how you feel. That's brave, and it means you're a fighter. message me anytime ok?
Try and give yourself some room to breathe it’s hard to heal and not just get forgiveness from someone that your with but it takes you to forgive yourself too find a place that brings you some comfort don’t give up
Go for a run or walk outside and just breathe it soon shall pass!
Get over that person leave them and move on
Move a muscle change a thought
I get that throw in a face often. Take with a grain of salt, those that make sense, think about what might help you in your drinking. It’s never easy to hear. Better to listen and reflect on it later. Then act after a couple days.
Well your doing the right thing by venting. Just understand if you love them that it will take time. Acknowledge their pain and ask for patience. Your are sunshine even when you feel dark. Go team sober!
If you have a big book and trust me I know how stupid this sounds. Please read or listen to “my chance to live” pg 308. And please remember that life will always show up. It’s what we do about it that matters.
So go drink and punch things. Drink a mocktail or an energy drink and take a boxing class. The Phoenix has free excersize events. We have to repurpose our best thinking into something healthy. You can't control your partner but you can choose how you respond.
Hi Amber, you’re not alone! I’m glad you reached out, that takes courage. I can totally relate-when that anger hits it’s hard to see straight! If you punch things and drink maybe you’d feel worse afterwards or ashamed and that wouldn’t be good. I’m trying to think what I did the last time I was angry, I think I sent a text to a friend about being mad and went to the gym and did the stair master. Anything to get me sweating and my body focused on physically moving. I had to take anger management a long time ago and it still feels so intense when i get angry. I learned that nobody is worth your freedom especially some dumbass dude. Walk away for the time that things are escalating. Maybe try going to a meeting when you feel like drinking or reaching out to a sober person in recovery. It totally sucks when someone you love holds your past or mistakes against you but who hasn’t messed up fubar in our community? Many of us strive to be sober bc of our past mistakes. At least you want to do better, some people never can. Remind your partner that it’s yall against the problem and not each other and that you’re both there to work your problems out. Sounds like they have some resentments too, maybe they would be willing to try an Al-Anon meeting? The thing is you can’t change the past, all you can do it learn from it. I like the serenity prayer. Peace and blessings to you.
I just want to add that I know more people than not, that aren’t financially stable in this economy. I think you’re right where you need to be if that helps. You are not defeated even if it feels that way, we might be damaged but not destroyed
You got this hon get to a meeting
The throwing things in your face is an annoying habit that everyone does sober or not
Believe me people for the most part don't mean it but some use it cause it'll get a rise out of you and make them feel better than you
Cause they drink and nothing happens
Us in recovery there's a whole list of "well if I wasn't drinking I'd have the mil I forgot to get last night on the way home if I didn't run into bill and give him the 50 bucks I owed him from the last time I saw him and of course we knocked a couple back and forgot to pay the cable bill
Weak people hound us on anything thats on the well of you weren't