I am struggling tremendously. I have been fighting for three

I am struggling tremendously. I have been fighting for three years. went to trial a month ago filing out the verdict my case had a chance to move forward. Two people lied to her oath got a call from the DA and they threw everyone of us out the man got to walk. I relapse for a week now I have it here at home, but I’m not strong enough to dump it. I need supportI’m grieving. I’m angry and I want to get better. Please be gentle. I’ve had a really emotional couple days I feel betrayed.


In my experience, there is nothing in my life that alcohol can make better for me. Not the worst days, not the best days. Today, I accept life on life’s terms and just talk to God through it all. I don’t have the strength to stay sober, but my God does it for me. Praying for you.


@jonica319709 BAMM!! Well said.

@tammy287476 You got this. This is life. No one said it will be easy.
What did relapsing accomplish? Did it change anything or the outcome in the long run?
Tammy, YOU, are better than this
How can I assist?

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I'm going to say this to the you that wants to be sober.

  1. There is never a chemical solution to a emotional or spiritual problem.

  2. Your relapse only lasts as long as you let it.
    You can wake up tomorrow and start a day 1.... everybody here has a day #1

But that all being said.

Im very sorry you. None of that sounds easy and all of it sounds painful af.
Especially after fighting for so long. I'm sure it feels unfair amd rightfully so.

But I say with all certainty.
Don't let this beat you.
Your reaching out because you want to get better. And this can be your moment to do so.

A week from now you can look back at this moment right here and say....
" thats the moment when I stopped again. That's when I made the decision to not let it all beat me"


Thank you so much that really helps me a lot. I need to get stronger and I want to be and what I’m going through is painful and my body hurts right now from the anxiety. My whole body is sore and dehydrated, but I am trying to drink fluids, but I’m taperingoff.


I’m fighting a drug and it scares me because only 2% make it out alive

But I want to and I’m tapering

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Tam, I’d go to in person meetings everyday in the mornings and every evening. Raise my hand and share my struggles. I remember that this process always works when I do my part.
I’m here if you want to talk.

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I have a suggestion that could maybe help I have heard in recovery that sometimes life gets difficult our emotions can be all over the place I think that maybe going back to basics 7 meetings 7 days is a way to keep you grounded to remind yourself how far you have come don’t loose sight of your progress you keep going I hope you have a good day :sparkles::sparkles::pray:t3::blush:

Thank you very much. I woke up very emotional today. I do agree with you. I do need to find an NA meeting and not here in town because I’m a hairstylist and I’ve been here my whole life and I would like privacy. I never heard of the program you’re talking about if you can explain it a little bit more appreciate it. I am tapering off today tomorrow I’m going to sleep because I had a really hard weekend. I have ADHD and anxiety disorder from when I was born. I had my esophagus torn in half and I died twice so I have learning disabilities and extreme anxiety and that’s why I turned to drugs and alcohol since I was 27 I wanna be 54 and I don’t want to live my life like this. I’m tired I feel sick and I wanna be better and what you’re advising. Can you please explain it a little bit more please

I’m getting a list of the NA meetings. I have an appointment with my counselor next week. I also have PTSD and I’m doing.cognitive therapy for it, but that’s because of the dentist that I was suing for sexual assault and what he has done to teenagers. Two people lied under oath and the rest of us. They just let us go because they said it was tainted by these two people he set free. He has hundreds of people he has hurt and all I wanted to do was protect women and teenagers cause I could not protect myself when I was a teenager from my father. If you want to look him up, his name is David Evans, Webb from California Idaho and other states he’s a pig.

Regardless of what life throws at you never let the devil win!!! :pray:t3:

I always try and remember that every time I decide to take drugs to deal with my emotions especially when another person is involved, I am going to hurt myself once again and the person who I am resenting isn't going to suffer at all!! Then I realize that if I take the drug to ease my pain it will only be temporary relief that could lead to a long relapse and I know that always ends the same way.I have more guilt,shame and remorse and the initial problem never changed or got any better. Please think about what could be the outcome if you decide to use. Who will really win this!!!!!

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Prey to your higher power for the strength you need and to help you make the right decisions to get through this.We are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for,......you can get through this be strong and I have faith in you.


Ik it's scary. I was addicted to heroin and fentanyl and that was the hardest part, thinking and knowing what it does when ur sick while detoxing. But the prize on the other side is so much sweeter. You already have the want and that's half the battle. Ur hurting rn both physically and emotionally and I'm sure mentally but I believe in you and I know you'll beat this. You're stronger then you know. Karma will serve dude his. Release yourself from that burden. Ik it's easier Saud then done but I realized sometimes we have to let go or be dragged. Don't beat up on yourself over the relapse. It's part of recovering. You got this, girl. I'm proud of you for reaching out. You have alot of support here. Prayers, love and light being sent your way.

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I’m coming up on 5 years sober in a few weeks, but it took me two years of terrible relapsing before I could get serious time under my belt. We are blessed with the only disease that is treated by working on yourself. Do this for you and pay attention to the miracles that come your way.

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We can learn from our relapses. I’m proud of you for asking for help. Keep going! You can do it!

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I'm glad to see that you're getting proactive and taking the steps the help yourself. While you're taking those steps just remember we are here for you.

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Iam scared because I’m tapering off but this time I’m done. It’s been a hard long week and I want it to go away

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