I am struggling with staying completely sober. I have been tested left and right and I allowed myself to fail once again. I quit everything but I still smoked from time to time I've quit that now as well. With life happening my mental being atacked sobriety has been a struggle.
Noel, thanks for sharing. Ya I had to get completely clean to stay clean. It’s easier this way. Clarity is precious! You can do this and I’m confident that you will be much happier.
The struggle is real, thank you for the support.
Noel, keep comming back. Don’t quit recovery. Keep going.
What step are you on?
You have to really want it, sometimes it’s ok to admit that you really don’t and then start from there. Just keep going to meetings keep reaching out, and most importantly stay away from substances and bad influences.
Na virtual as well it’s really cool I found a great group I prefer it than aa
Just know you are not the only one. Some of us got one second one minute or one day. Keep reaching out the struggle gets easier I hope for the both of us.
So sorry you're feeling like this right now, you are doing it even on your tough days I promise don't use in time it just makes your mental and physical health absolute chaos , please message me whenever
It doesn't matter.
Thank you, I had to remove myself from a relationship ( which was tough, still is) and where I was living. Started my journey again so I'm now a week clean. Its been stressful but I do feel better an clear minded.
Thank you, one week and 1 day💪🏼
You are amazing!!
I’m sorry hang in there, one day at a time
Thank you
It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. Failure isn’t failure until you totally give up!! Congrats my dear sister!! For you are a DIAMOND IN THE MAKING!!
Stay out of your head!! And don’t focus on the “PROBLEM “ but on the “SOLUTION “!!!
Thank you
Ur welcome
Do you have a sponsor? What step are you on?