I’m alone myself I realize this I’m try to reach out for help

I’m buy myself I really this I’m try to reach outl


Hi Todd. How are you?

Yo todd, this is Jason. What's on your mind friend?

Hi I’m struggling with drinking

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It’s hard

Yes it is. These are the times we dig in. Tell that voice in your head to calm down. This will pass. It is ok. We are going to be ok. Then focus your attention on something. Anything!!

You have any hobbies?

I’m with you my man, day 3 being methless, and she always whispers in my ear. Honestly it is here where I am seeking comfort by engaging with people like us.


I use to enjoy coloring. I could focus my attention on finding a cool print of, then focus on a color scheme, shading, etc.. Or I am a gamer. I would just roll melt right into some black ops. We need hobbies to pursue that focus. Hit some flow, attention to detail... Hang in there bud!! We can do this stuff.:grin:

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In struggling

I’m trying

Hi Frank, hang in there fellas. What you are feeling is normal to early recovery. There is nothing wrong with you folks. We have all been then. Myself included. Reaching out is crucial. And you guys are doing it. That's what it takes!!

Reaching out, expressing ourselves and talking to people is a good way to manage our time. Stay with it!!

No I’m definitely not that person honestly I got the job today I want I just don’t want to drink

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I agree

Again, consider building on your willingness to reach out and start including other things to help manage your time. Like new hobbies. Action steps...

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I’ve reached out for help

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Not good

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Hey Todd! I know the battle of drinking. Been sober for several years now, but it took me a long time to finally give it up. It's been hard at times but it's all been so worth it!

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