I used to numb or react quickly when I experienced

I used to numb or react quickly when I experienced a difficult emotion or situation. It was easy to not think and just react in the moment. Learning to navigate hard circumstances taught me the importance of reflection and regulation. Growth is not comfortable or easy. This past week has been hard for me in ways I wasn’t expecting. I felt sadness and pain. When waves of emotion crash, I acknowledge them. They are real and shouldn’t be ignored. They are also temporary. I remind myself of what is true and good. I meditate. After a while the waves aren’t so intense and the emotions softer. My peace remains, and I’m stronger.

For today…I’m grateful for finishing the 1st part of the year at a new school, a holiday party with new friends, and time to do laundry because yoga shorts and a lightning bolt sweater won’t cut it for most holiday events.

Enjoy your Saturday, friends.:snowflake:


That's awesome

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Thank you so much for sharing. I also am going thru an unexpected sadness and pain and going thru it sober the feeling are real and strong.

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How long have you been sober?

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You’re right. The emotions are strong and real. It’s not easy work, it sounds like you’re doing it though!:slightly_smiling_face:

Two years on December 5th

Learning to face my problems head on and not run away or numb myself by drinking has been possibly the greatest thing about sobriety. Good for you keep it up

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Happy Saturday. Live in the moment

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Happy Saturday!

The process is incredible.