I’ve been sober 10 days now. However I had a

Maybe AA isn’t for you. You feel the way you do because you know what kind of responses to expect from others when you go there. And as weird as it is, it’s actually them you’re embarrassed about for how they treat people who make mistakes.

If you need an friend (not a sponsor) to tell you you’re awesome, give me a call. 509-666-2755.

Aww. Thank you :relaxed: it’s helpful to have support and friends to talk to.

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You will be welcomed back. If you don’t feel comfortable in your home group because your sponsor dropped you maybe try the meeting guide app for others in the area?


Sponsors who drop sponsees for slipping up, and just slipping up, are disingenuously selfish and are more concerned about their track record than about their sponsees.

You are better off finding someone else.


We all love to drink that's why we are here. No one will understand more then the people who are getting sober and trying to stay sober. AA cant judge you for the same reason that brought us all together.


Which app is it? I installed one but I’m not sure if it’s the right one.

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It’s called Meeting Guide the icon is blue with a white chair. It will show you all the upcoming meetings in your area including zoom ones. I went to a bunch of different ones in different locations until I found the place I feel comfortable in

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That was the same struggle I found with it as well. Even the agnostic rooms still bring it up

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