Idk what to say

Picked my wife up from 30 day treatment- I was 76 days sober. Found out she cheated on me and she was everything to me, everything. Everything. I picked up bottle today after I kicked her out - don’t know what I’m going to do but not good


Can you recognize that she has been Ill with addiction, which has made her life unmanageable and forgive her for what she has done. Especially since she has come clean with you. That's a huge step forward for both of you. Only you know what is best for you, your sobriety, and your life.

Either way, you can jump back on your program and move forward with your sobriety.


I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. Get to a meeting. There’s no solution in drinking.

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I’m so sorry you’re going through this, what a terrible situation. So you’ve had a slip. It sucks, but it’s not the end all be all… get to a meeting, reach out to your supports. Don’t let this ruin your recovery. You got this! It won’t be easy but you’ve got this!

God tells us to forgive 70X’s 77 times. Jesus forgives us of much, so then, we must also forgive. We are all sinners and human and the f she was unfaithful to you, there was a break in the relationship that allowed the enemy a foothold and we know that the one who rules the earth is a liar and a thief and he is roaming, just waiting to attack. He come to steal, kill and destroy!
I discovered my husband’s infidelity also and really, now that he’s sober, he is walking with the Lord and treating me as he’s Biblically instructed to I have not even a thought of going elsewhere for my affirmations, affection or support. He is more than enough. Forgiving is not easy, I am praying for help on that one, but I have to forgive myself also because if I was being a woman of integrity and virtue that God called me to be, he likely wouldn’t have had to seek another’s attention to fulfill his needs. We are starting over and plan to renew our vows and remarry after a time of getting to know each other sober. I pray you can reconcile as well.


No she did not come clean with me

Ya like I got means to end everything … I am f… done

She cheated

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Oh that sucks. :confused:

Sorry about that

She told you at least. Listen to your heart

I am surprised at the lack of compassion for Mike. Mike, hang in there. Do your best to get through without drinking. I'm sorry this has happened to you. Stay strong, you and your sobriety are most important.


She didn’t come forward with being honest, I frankly knew something g was wrong and checked her phone and found it

Thank you Brian. Well said, um, she didn’t come clean with me like everyone is saying nor did she choose me. I found texts on her phone to her new man. 4 kids and holy F. I was a loyal fool. She didn’t even make or give me a bday card for my 50th birthday… kinda landmark bday. I just got F… with this whole treatment she supposedly got, what a joke.

No. She cheated Liz. Pretty simple, um, grace? She is still cheating

So after hitting the bottle last night, I’m up at 4 am. Is this just a farce or a real support group? I mean, my wife is cheating on me. And some of the responses on here WTH. Hey I’m no looser, honestly. I can get whoever I want. But I freaken choose her and she wrecked 10 years of my life. No im not being dramatic. She had me change the way I parent my kids, live my life…. I just wanted her. But “at least she came clean”? Ya no, that didn’t happen. Shoot I thought I was gonna douse myself with my meds and be done with it. Idk maybe I will. But people, seriously, you want me to feel bad for her?? Un no. She destroyed 4 kids, me, extended family, and all of our support people by what she did. It’s just crazy that the system is set up for “she is trying and in recovery”. That is BS. The system created opportunities and she took them. Enough said.

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Good morning Mike I’m sorry to hear the pain you were going through. The one thing I can say from experiences fine the strength to just work on you and God will handle the rest. I Pray your day gets better. Please keep me informed. 

Sounds crazy but maybe this experience will bring both of you closer
If she really is your everything give her another chance but with strict guidelines to be completely honest with each other
Either way she is not worth your sobriety you have a higher power and it is not her

Acceptance is definitely a crucial element in recovery.

Mike, take care of yourself and your kids. I'm truly amazed this other damaging person is getting so much pity. And if I may, if you don't have something supportive for Mike, please don't post it. We are here to help each other. Mike, I'll listen to you brother, if you want, message me directly.

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