I'm new here, just lost my sister who was 36

I'm new here, just lost my sister who was 36 yesterday. So it's been a bit of a struggle to stay strong and not want to ruin my sobriety


No words can properly be said. Prayers for you and your family


Thank you

Sorry for your loss

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Drinking will make everything worse I promise you. My condolences to you


Losing loved ones sucks. Hope you can find your way through this. The lie your brain uses is that drinking will make it go away, but everything will still be there when you come back down. Stay strong!


So sorry for your loss. 36 is so young. I hope this community helps you feel supported, and you can take care of yourself even if you are grieving. :two_hearts:


You can keep going ! I lost my daughter of fentanyl poisoning I drank everyday for 17 years July 4 2017 I decided I’d had enough. I just celebrated 7 years if I didn’t pick up the bottle I know you can do it!! 🫶🏻


I celebrate 7 years August 9th.. thank you :heart:


I discovered this blessing shortly after my dad died (in February). It brought me some peace, and I hope it does to you as well. Grieving is one of the most difficult things we face in life, but so is addiction, and you've faced that with a tremendous amount of grace and courage.

"May the sun bring you energy every day, bringing light into the darkness of your soul.
May the moon softly restore you by light bathing you in the glow of restful sleep and peaceful dreams.
May the rain wash away your worries and cleanse the hurt that sits in your heart.
May the breeze blow new strength into your being, and may you believe in the courage of yourself.
May you walk gently through the world, keeping your loved one with you always, knowing that you are never parted in the beating of your heart."
Apache grief blessing, by unknown author(s)


You are strong, you are worthy, you matter and she is so dam proud of you right now 🫶

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She is, she helped me stay sober, she was sober 3 years longer then me so she walked me through each step


Well then you have someone to strive for and I am so sorry for your loss, I read your profile. You deal with loss daily so that has to be hard. My hats off to you. I’m here if you ever feel weak or need to talk. Prayers love🙏


Sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine his difficult to lose a sibling so young. 7 years of sobriety is amazing. I often thinking if anything would justify drinking again. I never say never but pray I never am faced with such loss to challenge my 3+years. Praying for for you tonight.


A friend from my home group lost his battle and took his life recently. I think could I or anyone have helped him.

But we don’t drink no matter what. It’s easier said than done cuz I’m struggling with living life on life’s terms. Soo many resentments.

I’m from Castle Rock. Hello fellow Coloradan

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Thank you, so much different when it's your own. I appreciate the encouragement.

Thank you :heart:

My heart is with you. Please reach out if you'd like to talk.


Praying for you Sister. I’m here for you if you need someone to talk to.

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Thank you